Difference between Noise-Cancelling and Noise Isolating Headphones

There are two types of headphones namely, noise-cancelling headphones and noise-isolating headphones, which are designed to suppress the unwanted external noise in the sound. But both are completely different from each other.

The main difference between noise-cancelling and noise-isolating headphones is that the noise-cancelling headphones actively reduce external noise by using microphone and electronics, while the noise-isolating headphones create a physical barrier between the ear and the surrounding noise to block the external noise.

In this article, we will discuss all the important differences between noise-cancelling and noise isolating headphones. But before that let us first have a look into their basics individually.

What is a Noise-Cancelling Headphone?

A type of headphone that can reduce or cancel out the unwanted external noise is called a noise-cancelling headphone.

Noise-cancelling headphones reduce or eliminate the external noise by using microphone and electronics mechanism. The microphone is used for picking up the external noise, and the electronics mechanism produces an inverse sound signal to cancel out the external noise signal.

Noising-cancelling headphones are mainly used in noisy conditions like in public buses, trains, crowdy offices, etc. This type of headphones provides a superior music experience by reducing or eliminating the background noise from the music.

What is a Noise-Isolating Headphone?

A type of headphone which is designed in a way so that it can reduce the unwanted external noise in music by physically blocking out the noise signals is called a noise-isolating headphone.

Therefore, noise-isolating headphone reduce the noise by creating a physical barrier between the ear and the surrounding noise. Noise-isolating headphones basically consist of ear buds that can fit tightly in the ear canal. This way, it creates a seal to block the external noise.

The important point that is to be noted about noise-isolating headphones is that they do not actively cancel out the noise signals using hardware and software components. Therefore, they are not much effective as the noise-cancelling headphones in highly noisy conditions. Noise-isolating headphone are very commonly used to listen music in noisy environment.

After discussing the basics of noise-cancelling and noise-isolating headphones, let us now understand their differences.

Difference between Noise-Cancelling and Noise-Isolating Headphones

The following table gives all the important differences between noise-cancelling and noise isolating headphones −


Noise-Cancelling Headphone

Noise-Isolating Headphone

Basic definition

A type of headphone that uses hardware and software components to actively cancel out the external noise is called a noise-cancelling headphone.

A type of headphone that use some physical barrier to reduce or eliminate the external noise is called a noise-isolating headphone.


Noise-cancelling headphones use miniature microphones and electronic system to eliminate the unwanted external noise.

Noise-isolating headphones use physical barriers like ear cups or ear buds to reduce or eliminate the unwanted external noise.

Power source

Noise-cancelling headphones require a source of power like battery to operate active noise-cancelling mechanism.

There is no need of any power source to cancel out the noise.

Size and weight

Noise-cancelling headphones are comparatively larger in size and heavier in weight.

Noise-isolating headphones are compact in size and lighter in weight.


Noise-cancelling headphones are compatible with a limited number of devices.

Noise-isolating headphones are compatible with a wider range of devices.


Noise-cancelling headphones are more expensive due to advanced technology.

Noise-isolating headphones are generally cheaper than noise-cancelling headphones.


Noise-cancelling headphones are less durable due to presence of complex electronic system to reduce noise.

Noise-isolating headphones are more durable, and hence have a longer lifespan.


Noise-cancelling headphones are less comfortable due to their bulky design.

Noise-isolating headphones are more comfortable to wear for long periods, as they have lightweight design.

Effectiveness in noise reduction

Noise-cancelling headphones are more effective in reducing the external noise, as they use addition technology for this.

Noise-isolating headphones are relatively less effective than noise-cancellation headphones.


Noise-cancelling headphones have larger size; hence they are slightly difficult to carry.

Noise-isolating headphones are easy to carry due to their compact design.

Noise reduction efficiency

Noise-cancelling headphones are more efficient, as they may completely eliminate the background noise.

Noise-isolating headphones are less efficient in terms of noise reduction, as they use physical barriers to block the noise.

Frequency range

Noise-cancelling headphones are capable of eliminating or reducing unwanted noise in a wider range of frequency.

Noise-isolating headphones can effectively reduce the noise of low-frequency.

Volume level

Noise-cancelling headphones can be used at any volume level, as they actively reduce the noise.

Noise-isolating headphones are to be used at higher volume levels to effectively reduce the noise.


Both noise-cancelling and noise-isolating headphones are designed to reduce or eliminate the unwanted background noise in music, but in terms of technology used for noise-reduction, they are completely different from one another.

The most significant difference between noise-cancelling and noise-isolating headphones is that the noise-cancelling headphones reduce external noise by using active electronic system, while the noise-isolating headphones reduce external by using some physical barrier like ear cups, ear buds, etc. that can seal the ears.

Updated on: 25-Apr-2023


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