Difference between NFS and CIFS

What is NFS?

The Network File System (NFS) is a distributed file system protocol that Sun Microsystems developed in 1984. A client/server architecture includes a client program, a server program, and a protocol that facilitates communication between the client and the server. The Network File System is a protocol that operates on all IP-based networks. This protocol is supported by Apple Mac OS X, Unix, and Unix-like operating systems like Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD, and AIX.

NFS is a protocol that allows users to access data and files via a network from anywhere. Because the NFS protocol is an open standard, any user can readily implement it. Therefore, any user could manipulate files in the same way they could if they were using other protocols.

NFS is based on the ONC RPC system as well. This protocol is mostly used in computing systems where centralized resource and data management is crucial. It accesses and delivers data and files using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

NFS's benefits are that it allows several computers to share files, allowing everyone on the network to view the same information. In addition, by allowing computers to share apps, storage costs are reduced and Provides data consistency and reliability.

What is CIFS?

The Common Internet File System (CIFS) is a network filesystem protocol that allows machines on a network to share files and printers. IBM's Barry Feigenbaum created the CIFS protocol in the 1980s.

A CIFS client application can read, write, edit, and even delete files on the remote server. Any server that is configured to receive CIFS client requests can communicate with a CIFS client. CIFS is based on an upgraded version of Microsoft's Server Message Block (SMB) protocol for Internet and intranet file sharing.

CIFS is a file-sharing protocol included in Windows 2000 and is often used in workstation and server operating systems. In addition to desktop and laptop computers, CIFS is used in embedded and appliance systems. Finally, CIFS is used in recent storage systems such as Storage Area Network (SAN) and Network Access Server (NAS). Because CIFS/SMB lacks any protocol-level encryption options, you're forced to encapsulate the traffic in an encrypted envelope, which in all likelihood means a VPN.

Supported CIFS protocol features include basic file operations like open, close, read, write and seek. CIFS has many versions and sub-versions negotiated by network systems, non-file system attributes, content, and description can all be added.

Difference between NFS and CIFS

The following table highlights the major differences between NFS and CIFS.

Unix and Linux operating systems use it to share files.Windows operating systems use it to share files.
Highly scalableLow scalable
NFS is not a reliable protocol.CIFS is a reliable protocol.
Easy to implement and set up.Implementation is complex.
Uses 111 port for both TCP and UDP.Uses 139 and 445 TCP ports and 137 and 138 UDP ports.

Updated on: 19-Aug-2021


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