Difference Between NC and CNC

In this post, we will understand the difference between NC and CNC −

NC (Numerical Control)

  • It stands for Numerical Control.

  • The input mechanism is punched tapes and punched cards.

  • The modification in the machine programs can be done by changing the information on punched cards.

  • The operational parameters can’t be changed.

  • There is no memory to store instructions in them.

  • It is less expensive.

  • It requires very less maintenance.

  • It is moderately accurate.

  • The operators using this need to be highly skilled.

  • It is not very flexible.

  • It consumes more time.

CNC (Computer Numerical Control)

  • It stands for Computer Numerical Control.

  • The input mechanism is that the program is fed data with the help of the keyboard.

  • The machine programs can be modified using computer.

  • The operation parameters can be changed.

  • It contains memory to store instructions.

  • It is very expensive.

  • It requires high maintenance.

  • It is accurate.

  • To operate it, not much skills are required.

  • It is highly flexible.

  • It consumes less time.

Updated on: 24-Apr-2021


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