Difference between Native App and Hybrid App

Mobile applications have become a crucial aspect of our life in the current digital era. We rely significantly on mobile apps for our daily duties, from placing food orders to reserving rides. There are two main alternatives when it comes to creating a mobile app: Native Apps and Hybrid Apps.

Native apps are created using programming languages like Swift or Java for specific platforms like iOS or Android. Yet, Hybrid Apps can operate on various platforms, thanks to a native container and are created using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

What is a Native App?

A mobile application that is created expressly for a certain operating system or platform using the tools and programming languages made available by the platform owner is known as a native app. For instance, an Android native app is written in Java or Kotlin, but an iOS native app is written in Objective−C or Swift. To deliver a quick, responsive, and rich user experience, native apps can access the device's hardware, software, and other native features.

Native apps offer faster performance, greater dependability, and a more polished appearance and feel because they are created to be platform−specific and optimised for each platform's capabilities. Also, they can benefit from the most recent operating system upgrades, additions, and security upgrades. Native apps need to be developed separately for each platform, which increases development costs, takes longer, and requires a bigger maintenance and support budget.

Advantages of Native Apps

  • Improved performance: Native apps run faster and offer a smoother user experience because they are tailored for the particular platform and hardware.

  • Improved user experience: User experience is improved since native apps have access to the device's functions including the camera, microphone, GPS, and accelerometer, giving users a more immersive and interesting experience.

  • Offline capabilities: Native apps have the ability to store data locally, enabling offline access to content and lowering reliance on internet connectivity.

  • Security: Because native apps are downloaded from app stores and go through rigorous security and quality tests, they are more safe than online apps.

  • App Store visibility: As native apps are listed in app stores; consumers may find and download them more easily.

Disadvantages of Native Apps

  • Increased development costs: Since native apps need to be developed separately for each platform, the costs and turnaround times are greater.

  • Longer time−to−market: The clearance process for native apps at app stores can take weeks or even months, which results in a longer time to market.

  • Maintenance and support: The continuing maintenance and support efforts required for each platform for native apps raise the overall development cost.

  • Platform−specific knowledge: Some development teams may find it difficult to acquire the necessary platform−specific knowledge of programming languages, tools, and frameworks for native app development.

  • Restricted cross−platform compatibility: Because native apps are platform−specific, there is a limited amount of cross−platform compatibility and separate platform development is necessary.

What is a Hybrid App?

The term "hybrid app" refers to a mobile application that is created using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and then placed inside a native container that enables it to function on many platforms. Hybrid apps can be used on a variety of platforms, such as iOS, Android, and the web, because they share a similar codebase.

The functionality of both native and web applications are combined in hybrid apps. They can use web technologies like responsive design and real−time updates as well as access native device functions like the camera, GPS, and accelerometer.

Frameworks that provide a native wrapper around the web code, such as Apache Cordova, Ionic, or React Native, are used to create hybrid apps. Because they can be created using a single codebase that can be deployed on several platforms, hybrid apps are both time and money efficient. Additionally, they enable developers to create mobile apps by utilising their current web development expertise.

Advantages of Hybrid Apps

  • Cross−platform compatibility: Hybrid apps can run on several platforms, including iOS, Android, and the web, with a single codebase, cutting down on the amount of time and money spent on development.

  • Cost−effective: Web technologies, which are well−known to most developers, may be used to construct hybrid apps, which lowers the cost of development.

  • Faster development: As a single codebase can be delivered on various platforms, hybrid apps can be developed more quickly than native apps.

  • Simple to update: As changes can be made to a single codebase instead of separate updates for each platform, hybrid apps can be updated quickly and easily.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Apps

  • Limited access to device features: Hybrid apps may only have limited access to some device functionalities since they use web technologies to access native device functions.

  • Performance issues: As hybrid apps are created using web technologies and depend on a native wrapper to access device functionality, they could not perform as well as native apps.

  • User experience: Because hybrid apps rely on online technologies that are not designed for mobile devices, they might not offer the same degree of user experience as native apps.

Native App vs. Hybrid App − Comparison Table

The following table highlights the major differences between Native Apps and Hybrid Apps:


        Native App

     Hybrid App


Installing native programmes is required.

These applications don't need to be installed.


They require high maintenance.

Less repairs are necessary.

Time and cost

To create a native application that is cross−platform compatible, a sizable expenditure is needed (such as iOS and Android).

Because hybrid apps require less time to design, they are more affordable or cost-effective.


They use many coding bases.

They have a single codebase.

User experience

The best user experience is offered by them.

Apps that are hybrids don't offer a decent user experience.

Languages used

Native apps are written in Java, Swift, and Kotlin.

Hybrid applications use JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Platform Dependent

These programmes were created specifically for that platform.

Apps that are hybrid can run on a variety of platforms. They are therefore compatible with both iOS and Android.


The PlayStore or App Store are the places to update native mobile apps.

Updates for mobile web apps, however, are centralized.


The decision between native and hybrid apps ultimately comes down to the particular needs of the application. Better performance, a more refined user experience, and complete access to device functions are all provided by native apps. Hybrid apps, on the other hand, provide cost effectiveness, accelerated development, and cross−platform interoperability. Native apps are more suitable for tasks that require high performance or full access to the device's functionality.

Updated on: 28-Aug-2023


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