Difference between monolithic and microservices architecture

Monolithic architecture  is built as one large system and is usually one code-base. Monolithic application is tightly coupled and entangled as the application evolves, making it difficult to isolate services for purposes such as independent scaling or code maintainability.

It extremely difficult to change technology or language or framework because everything is tightly coupled and depend on each other.

Microservices architecture is built as small independent module based on business functionality. In microservices application, each project and services are independent from each other at the code level. Therefore it is easy to  configure and deploy completely and also easy to scale based on demand.

Sr. No.KeyMonolithic architectureMicroservices architecture
Monolithic architecture is built as one large system and is usually one code-base
Microservices architecture is built as small independent module based on business functionality
It is not easy to scale based on demand
It is easy to scale based on demand.
It has shared database
Each project and module has their own database
Large code base makes IDE slow and build time gets increase.
Each project is independent and small in size. So overall build and development time gets decrease.
Tightly Coupled and Loosely coupled
It extremely difficult to change technology or language or framework because everything is tightly coupled and depend on each other
Easy to change technology or framework because every module and project is independent

Updated on: 27-Jan-2020

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