Difference between Monochrome and Color Displays

Display is the most important part of a visual display unit (VDU) like TV, monitor, etc. Depending on the colors displayed on the screen, displays are of two types namely, monochrome display and color display. The fundamental difference between monochrome and color display is that a monochrome display can display graphics like images, text, etc. in gray shades only, while a color display can display graphics in full color.

In this article, we will discuss all the important differences between monochrome display and color display. But before discussing the differences, let us first have a look into their basics.

What is a Monochrome Display?

A type of display that can show graphics like images, texts, etc. only in gray shades and not in full color is referred to as a monochrome display. Monochrome displays are older visual displays, and they were used in older devices like CRT TVs, computer monitors, digital watches, calculators, etc. Sometimes, monochrome displays are also called as black and white displays. This is because they display graphics in black and white colors.

A monochrome display consists of a grid of pixels. Each of these pixels is turned on and off to display different shades of gray color.

There are mainly two types of monochrome displays namely, CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Display and LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Display. In CRT displays, a beam of high energy electrons creates graphics pattern on a phosphor screen, while in LCD displays, a layer of liquid crystal and a backlight create graphics pattern on the screen.

As mentioned above, monochrome displays are very popular in older electronic devices like TVs, monitors, etc. However, they are still used in some modern electronic devices like in medical instruments, calculators, control system devices, e-book readers, etc.

The major advantages of monochrome displays over color displays include low cost, more durable, and less power consumption.

What is a Color Display?

A type of visual display that can display graphics like images, text, etc. in full color is referred to as a color display. Color displays are very commonly used in all modern electronic devices like TVs, monitors, smartphones, etc.

Color displays use a combination three primary colors, i.e. RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) to display all colors on the screen. Color displays also consists of a grid of pixels, where each pixel displays a combination of RGB colors. In color displays, an electronic driver circuit is used to control the intensity of each color depending on the need of graphics pattern being displayed.

Based on display technology used, several types of color displays are available such as CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) displays, LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) displays, plasma displays, LED (Light Emitting Diode) displays, etc.

Color displays are mainly used in applications where images, pictures, text, and other graphic designs are to be displayed in accurate colors. However, color displays are more expensive and consume more power than monochrome displays.

After getting an overview of monochrome displays and color displays, let us now discuss the important differences between them.

Difference between Monochrome Display and Color Display

The following table highlights all the significant differences between monochrome displays and color displays −


Monochrome Display

Color Display


A type of visual displays that shows graphic designs, images, texts, etc. in the shades of gray color is referred to as a monochrome display.

A type of visual display that shows graphics patterns in full color is referred to as a color display.

Color displayed

Monochrome displays can produce images and texts in gray shades like black and white.

Color displays can produce images and texts in full color.


Monochrome displays are less expensive than color displays.

Color displays are comparatively more expensive than monochrome displays.

Screen resolution

Monochrome displays support limited screen resolutions.

Color displays support higher screen resolutions. Hence, they can display images more clearly.

Power consumption

Monochrome displays consume less power.

Color displays consume more power than monochrome displays.

Contrast ratio

Monochrome displays have a higher contrast ratio. Thus, they can display images and text more sharply.

Color displays have comparatively lower contrast ratio than monochrome displays.


Monochrome displays are less bright. Hence, they are not suitable for outdoor applications.

Color displays are more bright than monochrome displays, thus they can be used in outdoor and bright light environment.


Monochrome displays are compatible with a huge number of electronic devices.

Color displays are compatible only with devices that have color display hardware support.

User experience

Monochrome displays do not provide much engaging user experience.

Color displays are capable of providing a much better engaging user experience.

Refresh rate

Monochrome displays have a lower refresh rate; hence they are not suitable for displaying videos and gamming visuals.

Color displays have a higher refresh rate. Therefore, these can be used for displaying videos and gamming visuals.

Viewing angle

The viewing angle of monochrome display is narrower.

Color displays have a wider viewing angle than monochrome displays, making it easier to view the screen from different angles.


Monochrome displays have a longer lifespan.

Color displays have comparatively shorter lifespan than monochrome displays.

Color degradation

Monochrome displays are less susceptible to color degradation over time.

Color displays are relatively more susceptible to color degradation over time.


Monochrome displays were used in older electronic devices like TVs, monitors, mobile phones, etc.

However, these are still used in some modern electronic devices like calculators, e-book readers, multimeters, medical instruments, etc.

Color displays are widely used in modern electronic devices like TVs, monitors, laptops, smartphones, etc.


Monochrome displays and color displays are two types of displays used in a variety of electronic devices to display images and texts. The most significant difference between monochrome display and color display is that a monochrome display can display visuals in the shades of gray and is suitable for basic display applications; while a color display can display visuals in full color, thus it is suitable for applications that require color accuracy and engaging user experience.

Updated on: 25-Apr-2023

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