Difference between MIS and DSS

MIS and DSS are the two common terms that are often heard in the field of business management. But, they are quite different from each other. MIS (Management Information Systems) and DSS (Decision Support Systems) are both types of information systems that are used to support decision making in organizations. Read this tutorial to learn more about MIS and DSS and how they are different from each other.

What is MIS?

MIS, Management Information System, is a computer-based program to assist users to make decisions based on information present in the system. MIS is a type of link that helps in the communication between managers of various departments in a business organization.

MIS plays a vital role in establishing a communication among the corporate people. It is mainly characterized by the input of huge amount of data and the output of summary reports. In MIS, the flow of information takes place in both sides, i.e., up and down.

What is DSS?

DSS, Decision Support System, is a tool that helps in decision-making. It uses communication technologies, data, and documents to identify problems and to finalize decisions.

DSS is a class of digital data systems that provides business and organizational decision-making actions. It is basically a computer-based software that collects, organizes, and analyzes the business data and information to simplify the business decision-making process for administration, services, and planning.

Today, DSS software are being used in different fields such as medical diagnosis, credit loan verification, agricultural production at the farm and policy methods, business administration, calculating bids on engineering projects, forest management, computation of defective rails in railways, etc.

Difference between MIS and DSS

The following table highlights the important differences between MIS and DSS −




Full Form

MIS stands for Management Information System.

DSS stands for Decision Support System.


The primary purpose of an MIS is to provide the management with the information they need to make operational and strategic decisions. An MIS is focused on the internal operations of an organization and is designed to support the needs of managers at all levels.

A DSS, on the other hand, is designed to support specific decision-making processes and is often used by individuals or small groups within an organization.

Primary Task

MIS identifies the information required.

DSS identifies the tools to be used in the decision process.


An MIS typically uses data that is internal to the organization, such as data from financial systems, HR systems, and sales systems.

A DSS may use both internal and external data, and is often used to analyze large amounts of data to identify trends and patterns that can help inform decision making.


Dependent on computer systems.

Dependent on management jurisdiction.


MIS is used in control process

DSS is used in planning, staffing and decision making.


MIS is used by middle level, low level users and senior executives in some cases.

DSS is used by analysts, professionals and managers.


Focus is on information processing.

Focus is on decision making, support and analysis.


An MIS is typically a centralized system that is used by all parts of an organization.

A DSS is often more decentralized, and is used by specific departments or individuals as needed.


An MIS is typically a batch processing system, meaning that it processes data in batches at regular intervals.

A DSS is often an online system that allows users to interact with the data in real-time and get immediate feedback on their queries and analyses.


To conclude, MIS focuses on efficiency, whereas DSS focuses on effectiveness. Overall, the main difference between an MIS and a DSS is the scope of their purpose and the types of data and decision-making processes they support.

Updated on: 13-Sep-2023

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