Difference Between MFC and Win32

Microsoft provides two frameworks for developing Windows applications: MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) and Win32. MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) is a Microsoft framework for developing Windows applications in the C++ programming language. Win32 is a collection of functions and data structures provided by Microsoft for the development of Windows applications.

Read this article to find out more about MFC and Win32 and how they are different from each other.

What is MFC?

MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) is a Microsoft framework for developing Windows applications in the C++ programming language. It is developed on top of the Win32 API and provides a higher-level programming model, encapsulating common Windows functions and providing a collection of classes and tools to simplify application development.

Features of MFC

  • Message Handling − Event-driven MFC programs are built on a message-handling system. Messages are Windows operating system events such as mouse clicks, keyboard input, or system notifications. MFC has a system called "message maps" that associates certain messages with MFC class member functions. The associated function is called when a message is received, allowing the application to respond to the event.

  • Visual Design Tools − MFC operates in combination with Microsoft Visual Studio to provide visual design tools for designing user interfaces. A drag-and-drop interface allows developers to create windows, controls, and dialogue boxes. The visual design tools generate MFC code automatically, allowing developers to create the user interface visually rather than manually writing long code.

  • Predefined Classes and Functionality − MFC comes with a wide range of predefined classes that encapsulate common Windows functionality. These classes encapsulate the handling of windows, the management of user input, the display of graphics, access to system resources, and other tasks. The CButton class, for example, represents a button control; the CListBox class, a list box; and the CFileDialog class, which provides functionality for file selection dialogues. These classes make development easier by providing ready-to-use components and functionality, reducing the amount of code developers need to write from scratch.

MFC, while providing a higher-level framework that helps with Windows application development, does have some drawbacks. It is primarily designed for Windows programming and does not provide broad cross-platform support. In addition, the growth of other frameworks and technologies, such as.NET and web development, has reduced MFC's use in recent years. MFC remains an important choice for C++ developers working on Windows desktop applications who prefer a structured and object-oriented approach to application development.

What is Win32?

Win32, often known as the Windows API (Application Programming Interface), is a collection of functions and data structures provided by Microsoft for the development of Windows applications. It is the basic programming interface to the Windows operating system, allowing developers to access and use a variety of system resources and services.

Features of Win32

  • Procedural Programming Model − Win32 follows the procedural programming model. To interface with the Windows API, developers use function calls. They pass parameters to these functions in order to specify the intended actions or retrieve system information. Because Win32 is procedural, developers must actively manage the control flow and handle system events and notifications.

  • Windows Messages and Callbacks − Win32 applications are event-driven and rely on message handling. The operating system generates messages to notify applications about various events such as mouse clicks, keyboard input, window resizing, and system notifications. Callback functions, also known as window procedures, can be written by developers to handle these messages and establish the required behavior for their applications in response to events.

  • Graphical User Interface (GUI) Components − Win32 is a programming language that allows developers to develop and manage the graphical user interface of Windows applications. It includes functions and data structures for developing windows, controls (buttons, menus, list boxes, and so on), dialogues, and other graphical elements. Using Win32 functions, developers can customize the appearance, position, and behavior of certain GUI components.

Win32 is a powerful and adaptable API that provides developers with extensive control over Windows applications. It provides you with direct access to system resources and services, which makes it suitable for advanced scenarios and system-level programming. However, developing applications using Win32 requires a thorough understanding of the Windows operating system's internals as well as a more manual coding approach than with higher-level frameworks such as MFC or.NET.

Difference between MFC and Win32

The following table highlights the major differences between MFC and Win32 −




Visual Design Tools

Integrated visual design tools in Visual Studio


Level of Abstraction

Higher-level framework

Low-level API

Predefined Classes

Provides a wide range of pre-built classes

There are no predefined classes; developers create their own.

Resource Management

Built-in resource management

Developers manage resources manually.


Limited cross-platform support

Windows-specific, not inherently portable


Supports deriving and extending classes

Developers can create their own functions.

Programming Model

Object-oriented, message-driven


Message Handling

Uses message maps and an event-driven model.

Developers handle messages explicitly.


MFC is a higher-level framework built on top of Win32 that provides a more abstracted and object-oriented approach to developing Windows applications. It makes development easier by providing pre-built classes and tools, whereas Win32 gives you more low-level control over the Windows operating system.

The decision between MFC and Win32 depends on factors such as the application's complexity, programming language preference, the need for cross-platform compatibility, and the developer's level of control.

Updated on: 02-Aug-2023


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