Difference Between Manual and Automated Testing

In this post, we will understand the difference between manual and automated testing −

Automation Testing

  • It uses automation tools to execute the test cases.

  • It is fast in comparison to a manual approach.

  • It doesn’t allow random testing to be performed.

  • The initial investment is high.

  • The return on investment is better in the long run.

  • It is reliable.

  • It is performed by tools and scripts.

  • There is no testing fatigue in it.

  • Even for a trivial change, automated test scripts have to be modified.

  • It is expensive.

  • All the stakeholders can login to the automation system and check the results of execution.

  • It doesn’t involve human; hence it can’t assure being user-friendly or providing a positive customer experience.

  • Performance tests such as Load Testing, Stress Testing, Spike Testing have to be tested by an automation tool necessarily.

  • It can be done on different operating platforms in parallel.

  • It reduces the test execution time if done in parallel.

  • Multiple test scripts can be grouped together in a batch.

  • Programming knowledge is required in automation testing.

  • It requires a less complex test set up.

  • It is useful when executing the same set of test cases.

  • It is useful when working with Build Verification Testing (BVT).

  • It has zero risks on missing out of a pre-decided test.

  • It uses frameworks such as Data Drive, Keyword, Hybrid to improve the speed of automation process.

  • These tests behave like a document and give training value for automated unit test cases.

  • A new developer can see these unit test cases and understand the code base quickly.

  • They are done to enforce Test Driven Development (TDD).

  • It is an important part of DevOps Cycle.

  • It is best suited with Regression Testing, Performance Testing, Load Testing or highly repeatable functional test cases.

Manual Testing

  • The test cases are executed by humans and software.

  • It is time-consuming.

  • It uses the human resources.

  • Exploratory testing can be done using manual testing.

  • The initial investment is less in comparison to automation testing.

  • The return on investment is lower in comparison to automation testing.

  • It is not accurate because it may cause human errors.

  • Minor changes such as id, class wouldn’t hinder execution of a manual tester.

  • Investment is required for the human resources.

  • It is not cost effective.

  • The manual tests are recorded in Excel or Word document.

  • The test results are not readily available.

  • It allows human observation; hence it may be user-friendly.

  • It is not feasible.

  • They can be done in parallel but more human resources would be required which would be expensive.

  • It can’t be in batches.

  • There is no need to have programming knowledge.

  • It requires a straightforward test execution setup.

  • It can be boring and error prone.

  • It is useful when the test case is required to be run once or twice.

  • It is difficult to execute the Build Verification Testing (BVT).

  • It is also time-consuming.

  • There is a higher risk of missing out on the pre-decided deadline.

  • It doesn’t use any framework.

  • They may use guidelines, checklists, stringent processes to draft specific test cases.

  • They provide no training value.

  • They don’t enforce test driven development.

  • It can be used with Exploratory, Usability and Adhoc Testing.

  • It can be used where the AUT changes frequently.

Updated on: 27-Apr-2021


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