Difference between Linux and iOS

Linux and iOS are two very different types of operating systems. In this tutorial, we'll compare and contrast the various features of Linux and iOS and highlight how they are different from each other. We will compare their applicability in various scenarios as well as examine their advantages and disadvantages.

Linux Operating System

Linux is an open−source, Unix−like operating system kernel that serves as the foundation for various Linux−based operating systems (distributions). It was initially developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991 and has since become one of the most prominent and widely used operating systems in the world. Linux sits underneath all of the other software on a computer, receiving requests from those programs and relaying these requests to the computer’s hardware.

  • The Linux kernel provides the core functionality of the operating system, including managing hardware resources, facilitating communication between software and hardware components, and implementing essential operating system services. It is designed to be highly customizable, flexible, and scalable, allowing it to run on a wide range of devices, from servers and desktop computers to embedded systems, smartphones, and other devices.

  • Linux distributions combine the Linux kernel with additional software and tools, such as libraries, utilities, desktop environments, and application software, to create complete operating systems. Some popular Linux distributions include Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, and Arch Linux.

  • One of the significant advantages of Linux is its open−source nature. Being open−source means that the source code of the operating system is freely available, allowing users and developers to study, modify, and distribute it according to their needs. This openness has fostered a vibrant community of developers who contribute to the improvement and evolution of Linux-based systems.

Linux is known for its stability, security, and performance. It has a reputation for being reliable and is widely used in servers, where it powers numerous websites, cloud infrastructure, and enterprise systems. Linux also offers a vast array of software options, both open source and commercial, making it a versatile choice for various computing needs.

What is iOS?

iOS is a mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc. It is the operating system that powers various Apple devices, including the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. iOS offers a user−friendly interface, a wide range of features, and a secure ecosystem that integrates with other Apple devices and services.

  • One of the key aspects of iOS is its intuitive and sleek design. The user interface is known for its simplicity, elegance, and ease of use. iOS utilizes a multi−touch interface, allowing users to interact with their devices through gestures such as tapping, swiping, and pinching.

  • iOS provides a rich set of features and functionalities that enhance the user experience. It includes a variety of pre−installed apps for communication, productivity, entertainment, and more. These apps include Phone, Messages, Safari (web browser), Mail, Calendar, Maps, Photos, Music, and Videos, among others. Additionally, the App Store offers a vast selection of third-party apps for users to download and enhance their device's capabilities.

  • Another notable feature of iOS is its tight integration with other Apple devices and services. This includes iCloud, which allows users to seamlessly sync their data across multiple devices, such as contacts, calendars, photos, and documents. iOS also offers features like AirDrop, which enables easy file sharing between iOS devices, and Handoff, which allows users to start an activity on one device and continue it on another

  • Security and privacy are essential aspects of iOS. The operating system is designed with built−in security features, including data encryption, app sandboxing, and secure boot process. iOS also provides a robust permission system that gives users control over which apps can access their personal data. Apple's App Store review process ensures that apps available for download meet certain quality and security standards. These updates are typically delivered over−the−air and can be easily installed on compatible devices.

Overall, iOS offers a powerful and user-friendly operating system for Apple devices, providing a seamless and secure user experience with a wide range of features and integration capabilities.

Difference between Linux and iOS

The following table highlights the important features of Linux and iOS:




Origins and Licensing

Linux is an open−source operating system that originated from the Unix operating system in the early 1990s.

Linux was developed by Linus Torvalds and is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which allows users to view, modify, and distribute the source code.

iOS is a proprietary operating system developed by Apple Inc. specifically for their mobile devices, including iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches.

It is built upon a combination of Apple's macOS and a modified version of the Darwin operating system, which is based on BSD Unix.

iOS is not open source, and its source code is not publicly available.

Device Compatibility

Linux is a versatile operating system that can run on a wide range of hardware architectures, including personal computers, servers, embedded systems, and even mobile devices.

Various distributions (such as Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian) cater to different use cases and hardware configurations.

iOS is exclusively designed for Apple's mobile devices. It is tightly integrated with Apple's hardware and optimized for their specific devices. iOS cannot be installed on non−Apple devices.

User Interface

Linux offers a wide range of desktop environments and window managers, providing users with a choice in terms of appearance and functionality. Popular options include GNOME, KDE Plasma, Xfce, and more.

iOS features a touch−based interface designed specifically for mobile devices. It utilizes a grid of icons on multiple home screens and a centralized app store for downloading and managing applications. The user experience is primarily designed for touch interactions.

Software Availability

Linux has a vast software ecosystem, with thousands of free and open−source applications available through package managers.

Many popular software tools and applications, such as web browsers, office suites, media players, and development tools, have versions specifically built for Linux.

iOS has its own dedicated App Store, which offers a wide selection of applications designed and optimized for the platform.

Apps for iOS are typically available through the App Store and must meet Apple's guidelines and standards.

Customization and Control

Linux provides extensive customization options, allowing users to tailor their operating system to their specific needs.

Users have fine−grained control over system settings, software choices, and appearance.

iOS is designed with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. While some customization options are available, they are more limited compared to Linux.

Apple imposes certain restrictions to maintain a consistent user experience and ensure security.


Linux is known for its strong security features. As an open−source operating system, vulnerabilities can be discovered and patched quickly due to the active involvement of the community.

Additionally, Linux's modular design and user permissions system contribute to its security.

iOS is recognized for its robust security measures. Apple employs various security mechanisms, such as sandboxing, strict app review processes, and encryption, to protect user data and ensure application integrity.

Apple's control over the hardware and software ecosystem also allows for better security integration.


In conclusion, Linux and iOS serve different purposes and cater to different user needs. Linux provides extensive customization and versatility, making it a popular choice for developers and users seeking control over their systems. On the other hand, iOS offers a seamless and integrated experience across Apple devices, with a focus on user−friendliness, security, and privacy. Both operating systems have their strengths and cater to specific user preferences.

Updated on: 01-Aug-2023


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