Difference Between KML and KMZ

KML and KMZ are both file formats used in Google Earth and other mapping programs to display geographic data. The primary distinction between the two is that KML is a file format for storing geographic data in XML format, whereas KMZ is a compressed file format that contains one or more KML files as well as their associated resources.

Read this article to find out more about KML and KMZ and how they are different from each other.

What is KML?

KML (Keyhole Markup Language) is a file format for displaying geographic data in three dimensions, typically on virtual globes such as Google Earth. It is an XML-based language that allows you to build and display structured geographic information.

Points, for example, are defined by their latitude, longitude, and (optionally) height and indicate a specific position on the map. Lines and polygons on a map depict paths or areas and are defined by a set of coordinates that define their shape. Using "ExtendedData" elements, descriptive information such as names, descriptions, and URLs can be linked to these geographic elements.

Here are some key features and components of KML −

  • Geographic Features − KML enables the definition of numerous geographic elements such as points, lines, polygons, and 3D models. These features can be displayed on a virtual globe, and you can customize them with names, descriptions, and photographs.

  • Styling − In KML, you can also style your geographic features. You can change the color and thickness of lines, as well as the opacity and texture of polygons. This makes your data more visually appealing and easy to understand.

  • Overlay Images − You may also use KML to overlay images on top of geographic data. This is excellent for adding context or visual information, such as satellite photos or historical maps.

  • Time-based data − KML also allows time-based data, so you can see how things change over time. Each feature can be assigned a time period and displayed in chronological order. This can be used to depict variations in weather patterns, population expansion, or item movement.

  • Network Links − Network linkages, which are links to external KML files or internet resources, are also supported by KML. This enables you to create dynamic and interactive maps that are constantly updated. To display current weather conditions, you can make a network link to an online weather service.

KML is a sophisticated file format for creating and displaying geographic data in a structured and visually appealing manner. KML is frequently used in applications such as environmental monitoring, urban planning, and tourism because of its support for diverse geographic elements, stylistic options, overlay images, time- based data, and network links.

What is KMZ?

KMZ (Keyhole Markup Language Zipped) is a compressed file format used for storing geographic data, including KML files, as well as the resources connected with them, such as photos, icons, and other files. Keyhole Inc. (bought by Google in 2004) created it as a mechanism to bundle and transmit vast amounts of geographic data in a single file.

KMZ files are formed by compressing one or more KML files and their related resources into a single file with the extension ".kmz." Compression reduces file size, making it easier to share and download over the internet. When you open a KMZ file in a mapping application, the KML files and associated resources are extracted and displayed on the map.

KMZ files can include the same sorts of geographic data as KML files, such as points, lines, polygons, and other shapes, as well as descriptive data such as names, descriptions, and URLs. The distinction is that KMZ files include any accompanying resources required to display the data, such as images and icons, resulting in a self-contained package that can be easily shared.

KMZ files can incorporate features such as styles, screen overlays, and network linkages in addition to geographic data. Styles allow you to customize the look of the geographic data, while screen overlays allow you to show images or text over the map. Other KML or KMZ files, as well as online data sources, can be referenced via network linkages.

Overall, KMZ is a practical and effective method of packaging and sharing huge volumes of geographic data, and it is widely used in a range of applications such as mapping, GIS, and environmental monitoring.

Difference between KML and KMZ

The following table highlights the major differences between KML and KMZ −





KML is a file format for storing geographic data in XML format.

KMZ is a compressed file format that contains one or more KML files as well as their associated resources.

File Format

It is an XML-based file format.

It is a compressed (Zip) file format.

Content of Data

Geographic Data

Geographic Data and Resources

Extension of File



File Size

The KML file size is large due to the inclusion of resources.

KMZ file size is small due to compression.


In KML, sharing is done using email, file-sharing platforms, or direct downloads.

In KMZ, sharing is done using email, file sharing platforms, or direct downloads.

Stands for

Keyhole Markup Language (KML)

Keyhole Markup Language Zipped (KMZ)


KML is used to store geographic data.

KMZ files are used for packaging and sharing KML files with associated resources.


In a nutshell, KML and KMZ are both file formats that are used to display geographic data in Google Earth and other mapping apps. KML is an XML-based file format for storing three-dimensional geographic data, whereas KMZ is a compressed file format that contains one or more KML files as well as their associated resources.

KML is the most common file format for storing geographic data, whereas KMZ is a practical way to package and share KML data with its resources.

Updated on: 03-Apr-2023

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