Difference between JavaScript and HTML

There are many different coding languages that can be used when designing websites; some of these languages are more difficult to learn than others. HTML, JavaScript, PHP, CSS, Ruby, Python, and SQL are some of the most widely used languages for developing websites.

To comprehend the fundamentals of web design and development, however, all you need to know is HTML and JavaScript, the two key programming languages. Each of these serve a unique function on the web. Since HTML and JavaScript act as the foundation of any website, you need to know how they will affect your website and what they are usually used for.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a simple programming language that is most frequently utilised as a part of webpages. Implementations of JavaScript on webpages make it possible for client-side scripts to interact with the user and produce dynamic websites. It is a type of programming that is interpreted and can handle features that are object-oriented.

  • JavaScript is interpreted and therefore it is very lightweight.

  • It was designed for the purpose of developing apps that focus on networks.

  • It complements and is fully incorporated with HTML.

  • It is free to use on several operating systems.

JavaScript Development Tools

Many different manufacturers have developed quite helpful JavaScript editing tools in order to make our lives easier.

Microsoft FrontPage

Microsoft is responsible for the creation of FrontPage, a widely used HTML editor. Additionally, web developers have access to a variety of JavaScript tools inside FrontPage, which may aid them in the process of creating dynamic websites.

In the world of professional web development, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX is a highly well-known and widely used HTML and JavaScript editor. It complies to modern standards such as XHTML and XML, includes a number of helpful prebuilt JavaScript components, and connects effectively with databases.

Macromedia HomeSite 5

HomeSite 5 is a well-liked HTML and JavaScript editor that was developed by Macromedia. It is a tool that can be used to efficiently manage individual websites.

Creating interactive webpages often requires the usage of JavaScript. Its primary applications are −

  • Client-side validation,

  • Dynamic drop-down menus,

  • Including the date and the time,

  • Displaying new windows and dialogue boxes as they appear (like an alert dialogue box, confirm dialogue box, and prompt dialogue box),

  • Including things like clocks, etc.

Here's a sample JavaScript code −

   document.write("This text in to JavaScript");

What is HTML?

"Hypertext Markup Language" or "HTML" for short is the de facto standard for making web pages is called

The interconnectivity of webpages, also known as HTML documents, is what is meant by the term "hypertext." Because of this, the link that can be found on a website is called hypertext.

HTML is used to "mark up" (or annotate) a text document with tags that instruct a web browser on how to organise the document so that it can be displayed on the web.

Advantages of Using HTML

Following are some of the advantages of using HTML −

  • HTML is beginner-friendly. The markup in HTML documents is tidy and uniform, and the learning curve for HTML is not particularly steep.

  • HTML is supported by a sizable community and has a significant number of resources in addition to its widespread use.

  • The source code for HTML is freely available to the public. It operates in its native form inside every web browser.

  • Backend programming languages such as PHP and Node.js can be readily integrated with HTML.

Disadvantages of Using HTML

Here is a list of some of the drawbacks of HTML −

  • To a large extent, HTML is used for the creation of static web pages. To get the desired effect of dynamic functionality, you may need to use JavaScript or a back-end language like PHP.

  • It is time-consuming because of the amount of time it takes to keep the colour scheme of a page intact as well as the amount of time it takes to build forms, lists, and tables.

  • The management of a large amount of code may be challenging.

  • There are certain browsers that are slow to incorporate new functionality. Often, older browsers don't render newer HTML tags.

Here is a sample HTML code −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>This is test title</title>
   <h1>This is heading tag </h1>
   <p>paragraph content goes here...</p>

Difference between JavaScript and HTML

The following table highlights the major differences between JavaScript and HTML −

Parameters of Comparison
BasicsIt is a scripting language that can be executed on the client-side of a web browser and was developed by Netscape. It is a high-level programming language. Any web page may be made more dynamic and interactive by using this highly complex programming language, which can be utilized on any website.In simple terms, HTML is a standardized markup language that is used for the purpose of providing the fundamental structure of a website.
UsageProvides dynamic features to web pages that were previously static.Offers material on web sites that is not available for modification and is known as static.
CommunityUnder ECMA TC-39 Committee.Under W3C and WHATWG.
CompatibilityDoes not work with several browsers at the same time. According to the functions, browsers provide support for themSupports a variety of browsers and operating systems. All browsers provide their support for it.
StandardizationHas been given an official stamp of approval by ECMA.It has been standardised by organisations such as the W3C and the WHATWG.
EmbeddingIt is possible for us to include JavaScript into the HTML code in the form of a script.Inside of a JavaScript file, we are unable to incorporate HTML code.
ComplexityBecause it has a greater number of interactive elements, it is more difficult to utilise. Spending more time and making more effort is required to learn JavaScript.Because it just has the most fundamental capabilities, it is extremely easy to comprehend, study, and put into practise.


HTML is used for the creation of static online content, while the JavaScript is utilized for the creation of a dynamic environment for websites. HTML is responsible for displaying the material, whereas JavaScript is responsible for creating an interactive environment in which visitors may engage with the content of a website.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2022


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