Difference between JavaScript and C#

Two programming languages that have been widely used in the field of software development are JavaScript and C# (pronounce "C sharp"). Both languages are employed for various purposes and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The main application of the programming language JavaScript is the creation of websites. It is frequently used to build dynamic and interactive web sites. Because JavaScript is a client-side language, it executes in the client's browser rather than on the server. It is a popular option for novices because it is simple to learn and has a low entry barrier.

On the other hand, C# is a popular object-oriented programming language for creating mobile apps, desktop programmes, and video games for Windows. Because it is a compiled language, the code must first be compiled into an executable file in order to be executed. Compared to JavaScript, C# is a more difficult language to learn and master.

What is C#?

Microsoft created the contemporary object-oriented programming language C#, which is pronounced "C sharp." It is frequently used to create Windows desktop apps, games, and web applications since it was created to be straightforward, effective, and quick to learn.

The .NET Framework, a potent collection of tools and frameworks for creating Windows programmes, includes C#. It is a strongly-typed language, which implies that variables must be declared with a specified data type. This requirement, along with the language's tight rules for variable usage, helps to eliminate typical programming errors.

Object-oriented programming is supported by C#, which makes it simple to create code that is structured, reusable, and simple to maintain. Moreover, functions like waste collection are supported. All things considered, C# is a strong and adaptable language that is frequently used for a wide range of applications.

Advantages of C#

  • Programming in an object-oriented manner − Because C# is an object-oriented language, programmers may construct and use objects that include data and methods.

  • Strong type checking − C# makes advantage of strong type checking, which verifies type compatibility at the time of compilation.

  • Extensive class library − The class library in C# offers a large selection of pre-built functions and data structures. Applications can now be developed more rapidly and effectively as a result.

Disadvantages of C#

  • Windows-centric − C# was created by Microsoft and is mostly utilised in environments that run Windows. Although it can run on other operating systems, those platforms might not be as optimised for it.

  • Limited support for functional programming − Although C# is an object-oriented language, it only includes a small amount of support for functional programming. Because of this, it might not be as ideal for some applications that strongly rely on functional programming.

  • Garbage collection − To automatically manage memory, C# employs garbage collection. Although this might be useful for developers, improper use could lead to performance problems.

What is JavaScript?

The main application of the computer language JavaScript is the development of interactive and dynamic web sites. Brendan Eich developed it in 1995 while he was employed by Netscape Communications Corporation.

As a client-side language, JavaScript executes on the client's computer (usually in a web browser) as opposed to the server. Animations, form validation, and dynamic content updates are a few examples of how it is frequently used to bring interactivity to web sites.

Though JavaScript is a high-level language, it is made to be simple for people to read and write. Moreover, because it is an interpreted language, the code can be run immediately in the browser without the requirement for compilation.

A number of in-built features in JavaScript make it a potent language for web development. They consist of regular expression, object, array, and function support. The Document Object Model (DOM) and the Browser Object Model are only a couple of the APIs (application programming interfaces) that it has already been created with that enable interaction with web page elements (BOM).

Advantages of JavaScript

  • Client-side scripting − Scripting that is executed on the client side, such as JavaScript, does so in the browser and is not dependent on a server to function. The application runs faster as a result of less server load.

  • Simple to learn − JavaScript is a user-friendly language that is simple to pick up and understand. It is accessible to developers of all skill levels thanks to its straightforward syntax, which is similar to other programming languages.

  • Interactivity − JavaScript enables programmers to create dynamic and interactive web sites that can react in real-time to user input.

Disadvantages of JavaScript

  • Risks related to security − Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks provide attackers the ability to steal user information or insert harmful code into a website. JavaScript is susceptible to these attacks.

  • Browser compatibility − Because JavaScript acts differently in each browser, developers may encounter compatibility problems.

  • Performance issues − Because JavaScript is an interpreted language rather than a compiled one like C++ or Java, it may run slower.

Difference Between JavaScript and C#

The following table highlights the major differences between JavaScript and C# −


C Sharp

JavaScript runs in maximum browsers without no plugin prerequisite.

C# requires a plugin .

In a client machine, it is unable to browse or enter records.

In the event that the specific Silver light version supports it, it can review and create records.

JavaScript is dynamic written.

Static written.

JavaScript has secluded libraries for doing in-person queries like underscore. js

Local querying can be done using the useful.NET component LINQ, which is available in C#.

There is no administrator or overburdening in JavaScript.

C# has the ability to overburden administrators and transforms.

Neither an administrator nor overburdening are present in JavaScript.

C# has a huge range of applications that it can be used in.

The scope of JavaScript is limited, and this dialect has some drawbacks.

A really powerful language that engineers choose around the world is C#.

JavaScript is a single threaded language.

C sharp supports multithreading.

JavaScript supports closure script.

Closure script is not supported in C#.

Server-side scripting is supported by JavaScript.

C# does not have server side scripting capabilities.

The ".js" suffix is used to save JavaScript files.

The ".cs" extension is used to store files in C#.


In summary, JavaScript and C# are two widely used programming languages that have definite distinctions and special benefits. C# is frequently used for back-end web development and desktop application development, but JavaScript is typically utilised for front-end web development.

JavaScript is simple to learn and has a low entrance barrier, whereas C# is more difficult to master and calls for a greater degree of ability. The decision between these two languages will ultimately depend on the particular requirements of your project.

Updated on: 19-Apr-2023


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