Difference Between JavaEE and Spring

The debate about JavaEE and Spring is very common among Java developers. Both technologies emerged as popular frameworks for building enterprise applications using Java. Java EE is a more adaptable and distributed framework for developing big software. Spring, on the other hand, is open source and makes use of the POJO programming model to develop any type of Java application. Let’s find out more detailed differences between JavaEE and Spring through this article.

JavaEE vs Spring


Java Platform Enterprise Edition, in short JavaEE is a set of specifications defined by Oracle. It is also known as J2EE. It aims to improve its API and programming model continuously to develop modern enterprise applications. The current features of JavaEE include a variety of components such as CDI, REST, Servlets, JSPs and many more.

Features of JavaEE

  • It can simplify the development of complex and high-transaction applications

  • It is portable means the same code can be reused on multiple platforms.

  • It is supported by multiple platforms.

  • The applications built using JavaEE are highly scalable, reliable, and secure.

  • It has an easy learning curve but needs a deep understanding of its huge specifications.

  • The development and maintenance cost is significantly higher

These features make it an excellent choice for developing modern enterprise applications. Around the globe, there are more than 900,000 websites running on JavaEE.


It was developed in June 2003 by Rod Johnson and with its release, it became very famous among developers. It supports various frameworks including JSF, Struts, and Hibernate. Therefore, sometimes it is referred to as a framework of frameworks.

Features of Spring

  • It makes loosely coupled application means the code used in the development process can be modified easily. It also gives an advantage during the testing period.

  • It supports Plain Old Java Objects (POJO) that facilitate better readability and reusability of code. It makes the development, testing and maintenance process easy and smooth.

  • The Dependency Injection and IOC Container are the best features of this framework that allows giving object creation control to spring’s system

  • It cuts the requirement for servers. It can develop serverless software.

  • In spring framework you can find a very clear division between its model, view and controller that’s the reason its architecture is layered.

Due to these excellent features, it is a top choice for popular organizations around the globe. It is being used by Udemy, Trivago, Indeed and many more

Difference between JavaEE and Spring

From the above discussion, we can conclude the following differences between JavaEE and Spring −



It is a specification or standard by Oracle.

It is a framework, not a specification

JavaEE requires an application server to run.

Spring can run without a server, it can run using a servlet as a container.

It follows three-tier architecture: Presentation, Bussiness and Database layers.

It is said that it follows layered architecture with almost 20 modules.

It is an Oracle based license.

It has an open-source license.

JavaEE is faster than the Spring Framework.

Spring Framework is a bit slower.

It uses the Java programming language

We can use either Java or Kotlin for the development.

Mostly, it is used for web development.

It is used to develop web applications as well as microservices and clouds.


Both JavaEE and Spring are complementary elements as the Spring framework is built on top of JavaEE specifications. The JavaEE can be used for developing multiplatform and complex applications. Spring is best when we need to develop a server-less software and microservices.

Updated on: 21-Jul-2023


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