Difference between Javabeans and Enterprise Javabeans

In the domain of Java programming, Javabeans and Undertaking Javabeans (EJB) are two particular advances that fill various needs. While both assume an urgent part in Java improvement, it's fundamental to grasp their disparities and when to use each. This article aims to provide a comprehensive comparison between Javabeans and Enterprise Javabeans, exploring their syntax, approaches, and code examples.


To understand the difference between Javabeans and Enterprise Javabeans, it is essential to explore their approaches in Java development.


Javabeans are a lightweight and reusable component model used in Java programming. The approach with Javabeans involves creating modular, self-contained components that can be easily integrated into different applications. Javabeans follow a set of conventions and guidelines, making them versatile and widely applicable.

Enterprise Javabeans

Enterprise Javabeans, or EJB, takes a more robust and sophisticated approach to Java development EJB is a server-side part model explicitly intended for big business level applications. It gives progressed elements, for example, exchange the executives, security, simultaneousness control, and remote access. EJBs are conveyed in Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) holders and are essentially used in mind boggling, huge scope projects.

Types of Approach

To further understand the difference between Javabeans and Enterprise Javabeans, let's explore the various types of approaches associated with each.

Common Syntax

// Common syntax for both approaches
public class CommonClass {
   // Properties
   private DataType propertyName;

   // Default constructor
   public CommonClass() {
      // Initialization

   // Getter for property
   public DataType getPropertyName() {
      return propertyName;

   // Setter for property
   public void setPropertyName(DataType propertyName) {
      this.propertyName = propertyName;

   // Business methods and logic
   public void businessMethod() {
      // Implementation

   // Other methods and logic

Common Algorithm

  • Create a Java class representing the component, whether it's a Javabean or an Enterprise Javabean.

  • Define private properties with appropriate data types.

  • Implement a default constructor for initialization.

  • Implement getter methods for accessing the properties.

  • Implement setter methods for setting the values of the properties.

  • If it's an Enterprise Javabean, annotate the class with the appropriate EJB annotations.

  • Implement business methods and logic based on the requirements of the application.

By following these syntaxes and algorithms, you can create Javabeans and Enterprise Javabeans with the necessary functionality and behavior.

Approach 1: Javabeans

Javabeans focus on creating reusable software components that can be integrated into different applications. The approach involves designing Java classes that follow certain conventions. These conventions include using default constructors, providing getter and setter methods to access and manipulate properties, and following a naming convention for the class and its properties. This approach is ideal for building modular and reusable components, promoting code reusability and maintainability.


public class JavabeanClass {
   // Properties
   private DataType propertyName;
   // Default constructor
   public JavabeanClass() {
      // Initialization

   // Getter for property
   public DataType getPropertyName() {
      return propertyName;
   // Setter for property
   public void setPropertyName(DataType propertyName) {
      this.propertyName = propertyName;


  • Create a Java class representing the Javabean.

  • Define private properties with appropriate data types.

  • Implement a default constructor for initialization.

  • Implement getter methods for accessing the properties.

  • Implement setter methods for setting the values of the properties.

Approach 2: Enterprise Javabeans

Enterprise Javabeans, as mentioned earlier, is specifically tailored for enterprise-level applications. The approach involves utilizing the features provided by the EJB specification. EJBs are designed to handle complex tasks required in large-scale applications, such as managing transactions, ensuring security, enabling concurrency control, and facilitating remote access. EJBs require specific annotations and interfaces to define their behavior and lifecycle. This approach is suitable for applications that demand robustness, scalability, and advanced enterprise-level features.


public class EJBClass {
   // Inject dependencies if required

   // Business methods and logic
   public void businessMethod() {
      // Implementation

   // Other methods and logic


  • Create a Java class representing the Enterprise Javabean.

  • Annotate the class with `@Stateless` to specify its EJB type.

  • Inject any required dependencies using annotations if necessary.

  • Implement the business methods and logic specific to the application requirements.

Difference Table

To summarize the differences between Javabeans and Enterprise Javabeans, let's take a closer look at the following table:


Enterprise Javabeans


Creating reusable software components

Building server-side components for enterprise apps


GUIs and reusable components

Enterprise-level applications


Lightweight and simple

Sophisticated and feature-rich


Basic property handling

Transaction management, security, concurrency, etc.



Java EE containers


Suitable for small to medium-scale applications

Designed for large-scale enterprise applications

Concurrency Control

Limited support

Advanced concurrency control mechanisms

Transaction Management

Not inherent

Built-in transaction management support

Remote Access

Limited or no built-in support

Provides remote access capabilities


Basic security mechanisms

Comprehensive security features


Javabeans and Enterprise Javabeans are both valuable technologies in Java development, but they differ in their approach and purpose. Javabeans offer a lightweight and versatile approach, suitable for building reusable components, while Enterprise Javabeans provide a more robust and feature-rich approach for developing enterprise-level applications. By understanding these differences, developers can make informed decisions about which technology to employ based on their project requirements. Whether it's creating modular components or developing complex enterprise applications, Javabeans and Enterprise Javabeans offer unique capabilities to enhance Java programming.

Updated on: 31-Jul-2023

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