Difference Between java.sql.Time, java.sql.Timestamp, and java.sql.Date in Java

In the world of Java programming, overseeing dates and times is a regular task. The java.sql group gives three classes - java.sql.Time, java.sql.Timestamp, and java.sql.Date - that are explicitly intended to manage various pieces of date and time control. Nonetheless, understanding the distinctions between these classes is urgent to guarantee precise treatment of worldly information in your Java applications. In this article, we will explore the nuances of each class and examine their remarkable functionalities.


While working with transient information, it is critical to pick the right class in light of the particular prerequisites of your application. Each class in the java.sql package serves a particular need and offers various elements. By understanding their differences, you can select the appropriate class and utilize its functionalities effectively.

Common Algorithm and Syntax

For general date and time works out, you can utilize the 'java.util.Date' class, which is the base class for 'java.sql.Time', 'java.sql.Timestamp', and 'java.sql.Date'.

Syntax (Creating a Date Object)

java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();

Syntax (Getting Current Date and Time)

java.util.Date currentDate = new java.util.Date();


  • Make another example of the 'java.util.Date' class.

  • The subsequent article addresses the ongoing date and time.

  • You can perform different procedures on the 'java.util.Date' object, like formatting, comparison, and manipulation.

Types of Approach


The java.sql.Time class addresses a particular season of day in hours, minutes, and seconds.

It broadens the java.util.Date class and gives accuracy to the milliseconds.

It stores no data about the date part, just the time.


java.sql.Time time = new java.sql.Time(hours, minutes, seconds);


  • Create a new instance of the java.sql.Time class.

  • Make another example of the java.sql.Time class.

  • Pass the hours, minutes, and seconds as boundaries to the constructor.


import java.sql.Time;

public class TimeExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      // Creating a Time object
      Time time = new Time(System.currentTimeMillis());
      System.out.println("Current Time: " + time);
      // Extracting individual components
      int hours = time.getHours();
      int minutes = time.getMinutes();
      int seconds = time.getSeconds();
      System.out.println("Hours: " + hours);
      System.out.println("Minutes: " + minutes);
      System.out.println("Seconds: " + seconds);


Note: TimeExample.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Current Time: 11:46:05
Hours: 11
Minutes: 46
Seconds: 5


The java.sql.Timestamp class extends java.util.Date and provides nanosecond precision.

It addresses a particular moment, including both date and time parts.

It is equipped for saving up to the nanosecond level and can deal with a wide range of dates.


java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = new java.sql.Timestamp(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds);


  • Make another occasion of the java.sql.Timestamp class.

  • Pass the year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, and nanoseconds as boundaries to the constructor.

  • The subsequent item addresses a particular moment, including both date and time parts with nanosecond accuracy.


import java.sql.Timestamp;

public class TimestampExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      // Creating a Timestamp object
      Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
      System.out.println("Current Timestamp: " + timestamp);
      // Extracting individual components
      int year = timestamp.getYear() + 1900; // Adding 1900 as getYear() returns the year since 1900
      int month = timestamp.getMonth() + 1; // Adding 1 as getMonth() returns zero-based month
      int day = timestamp.getDate();
      int hours = timestamp.getHours();
      int minutes = timestamp.getMinutes();
      int seconds = timestamp.getSeconds();
      System.out.println("Year: " + year);
      System.out.println("Month: " + month);
      System.out.println("Day: " + day);
      System.out.println("Hours: " + hours);
      System.out.println("Minutes: " + minutes);
      System.out.println("Seconds: " + seconds);


Note: TimestampExample.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Current Timestamp: 2023-07-31 11:47:08.731
Year: 2023
Month: 7
Day: 31
Hours: 11
Minutes: 47
Seconds: 8


The java.sql.Date class addresses a particular date (year, month, and day) without a period part.

It broadens java.util.Date and is usually used to store and control date values in data sets.

It upholds dates going from January 1, 1970, to December 31, 9999.


java.sql.Date date = java.sql.Date.valueOf("yyyy-mm-dd");


  • Create a new instance of the java.sql.Date class.

  • Use the `valueOf()` method and pass a string in the format "yyyy-mm-dd" representing the desired date.

  • The resulting object represents a specific date without a time component.


import java.sql.Date;

public class DateExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      // Creating a Date object
      Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
      System.out.println("Current Date: " + date);
      // Extracting individual components
      int year = date.getYear() + 1900; // Adding 1900 as getYear() returns the year since 1900
      int month = date.getMonth() + 1; // Adding 1 as getMonth() returns zero-based month
      int day = date.getDate();
      System.out.println("Year: " + year);
      System.out.println("Month: " + month);
      System.out.println("Day: " + day);


Note: DateExample.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Current Date: 2023-07-31
Year: 2023
Month: 7
Day: 31

Difference Table






Specific time of day

Specific point in time

Specific date




Day (up to milliseconds)

Date Component




Time Component




Use Case

Handling time-only values

Handling both date and time

Handling date-only values



yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS



Time(int hour, int minute, int second)

Timestamp(long milliseconds)

Date(long milliseconds)

Conversion to String

Uses default time format

Uses default timestamp format

Uses default date format


Extends java.util.Date

Extends java.util.Date

Extends java.util.Date


Java programming requires careful selection of appropriate classes to handle temporal data effectively and accurately. In the domain of java.sql, three unmistakable classes, in particular java.sql.Time, java.sql.Timestamp, and java.sql.Date, fill explicit needs. The java.sql.Time class relates to the exact season of day, java.sql.Timestamp addresses a specific second in time, while java.sql.Date compares to a particular date barring the time part. Understanding the subtleties that put these classes aside engages designers to pursue informed choices in view of their application's exceptional prerequisites.Armed with this knowledge, Java programmers gain the ability to manipulate and persist temporal data with precision and reliability, ensuring the seamless operation of their software systems.

Updated on: 31-Jul-2023


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