Difference Between Ionic, Covalent and Metallic Bonds


Primary bonds and secondary bonds are the two main categories into which bonds can be split. Secondary bonds, as opposed to primary bonds, are what hold molecules together mechanically. Atoms in molecules are held together chemically by primary bonds. The three basic types of bonding are metallic, covalent, and ionic. Examples of secondary bonds include hydrogen, dipole, and dispersion bonds. Primary bonds are more stable than secondary forces and have far higher bond energies. Metallic bonds are formed when various sorts of atoms share various types of electrons in a metal lattice as opposed to covalent connections, which are formed when two atoms share their valence electrons. When one atom transfers electrons to another, ionic connections are formed. The primary distinction between ionic covalent and metallic bonding is this.

What is an ionic bond?

Certain atoms frequently give or receive electrons to fill their outermost orbit, which makes them more stable. In contrast to atoms with a larger number of electrons in their outermost orbit, which prefer to receive electrons and produce positively charged ions, a tiny number of electrons in an atom's outermost shell tend to donate electrons, leading to positively charged ions. These ions' opposing charges operate as an attracting force when they are brought together. These interactions are known as ionic bonds. These strong connections are also known as electrostatic bonds.


  • Metals with lower ionisation energies.

  • Non-metals have a higher electron affinity

  • The bond's lattice energy is greater.

  • The difference in electronegativity between metals and non-metals is greater.

  • A larger cation's radius compared to a smaller anion's radius.


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What is a covalent bond?

When two atoms share valence electrons, covalent bonds are created. The electronegativity of the two atoms differs barely from one another. Same-type or different-type atoms can form covalent bonds with one another. One electron is required by fluorine, for instance, to complete its outer shell; as a result, another fluorine atom shares this electron through the formation of a covalent bond, resulting in the F2 molecule. Materials with covalent bonds can exist in all three states, i.e., solid, liquid, and gas.


  • Each of the two participating atoms needs to have 5, 6, or 7 electrons in their valence shells or outermost shells to establish a covalent connection.

  • An equivalent difference in electronegativity must exist between the atoms that come together to create a covalent bond.

  • Atoms joining together to create a covalent bond should be attracted to one another with equal forces.

  • To prevent the removal of electrons with ease, both atoms' ionisation energies must be high.


Water molecules, Diamonds, Silica, Nitrogen gas, Hydrogen gas, etc.

What are metallic bonds?

The nuclei of metal atoms hold the valence electrons in place loosely in a metal lattice. As a result, the energy needed for valence electrons to separate from nuclei is extremely low. These electrons split, forming metal atoms that are positively charged ions. The electron cloud, a vast collection of negatively charged, freely moving electrons, surrounds these positively charged ions. Electrostatic forces are produced by the ions' attraction to the electron cloud. These interactions are known as metallic bonds. Since practically every atom in the metal lattice shares an electron in metallic bonds, it is impossible to tell which atoms share which electron.


  • Individual atoms are typically unstable, thus bonds are formed to produce a more stable structure.

  • Valence electrons are found in every atom, and the periodic table's group number can be used to determine how many an element or metal's valence electrons are (this differs for d-block elements i.e. the transition metals).


Several metals, such as Iron, Copper, Gold, Silver, and Nickel.

Difference between Ionic, Covalent and Metallic bond

Basis Ionic bond Covalent bond Metallic bond
Formation Ions with opposite charges are drawn to one another electrostatically. By sharing electron pairs Delocalized electron clouds and positively charged metal ions are drawn to one another by electrostatic forces.
Conductivity low conductivity Very low conductivity High conductivity
Preforms between A metal and a nonmetal A nonmetal and a metalloid, or two nonmetals Electron cloud and ion having a positive charge
Binding energy Compared to the metallic bond, the binding energy is greater Compared to the metallic bond, the binding energy is greater. Compared to covalent and ionic bonds, the binding energy is lower.
Isomerism Non-directional Directional Non-directional
Compounds' physical condition It is present only in a solid-state at room temperature. In all three states: liquid, gas and solid at room temperature. Only in solid state at room temperature
Metallic property Non-ductile and Non-malleable Non-ductile and Non- malleable Ductile and Malleable
Solubility Split off into ions in a solution. Can maintain their molecular identity in solutions While some metals and water react violently, others do not
Physical property Higher melting point and boiling point lower melting and boiling point Higher melting and boiling point


In a nutshell, when a metal and a nonmetal come into contact, ionic connections are created. The transfer of an electron from a metal atom to a nonmetal atom results in the formation of ions. Two atoms share electrons to fill their outer shells, resulting in the formation of covalent bonds. Because it happens when atoms entirely lose their outermost electrons, metallic bonding is special. To form a metallic solid, these unbound electrons combine with other metal atoms. The most important conclusion is that covalent and metallic bonding results in various materials with various characteristics. It can be quite beneficial when trying to solve issues in chemistry or physics laboratories to be aware of these characteristics because they can help you forecast how substances will behave.


1. What are the three varieties of covalent bonds?

Triple, double and single covalent bonds are three varieties of covalent bonds.

2. Are metallic bonds covalent or ionic?

Metals are connected to other metals chemically through metallic bonding. In contrast to covalent or ionic bonding, a metallic bond involves several positive ions sharing a large number of electrons. Ionization energy is low for metals.

3. Ionic and metallic bonds: which is stronger?

Compared to ionic and covalent bonds, the metallic link is a little weaker. Strong electrostatic forces called ionic bonds are created when positive and negative ions come together. Because of the non-directional nature of this link, no particular atom is favoured by the pull of the electrons.

4. Which five chemical linkages are there?

Ionic, covalent, hydrogen and metallic connections are the four primary types of chemical bonds. The difference in electronegativity between two atoms determines whether there is a bond between them.

5. Which bond is stronger, the covalent or metallic one?

Except for diamond, silicon, and carbon, covalent bonds are generally weak. Metals are strongly bonded together. The ionic bonds are also fairly strong as a result of the crystalline structure.

Updated on: 20-Feb-2024


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