Difference between IMAP and SMTP

When it comes to e-mail communication, two primary protocols play a significant part within the handle - IMAP and SMTP. Whereas both of the protocols are essential for email communication, they serve diverse purposes and have different functionalities. Understanding the distinction between IMAP and SMTP is pivotal for anybody utilizing email services or creating mail clients. In this article, we are going investigate the contrasts between IMAP and SMTP, including their definitions, functionalities, and utilize cases.


IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. IMAP permits clients to oversee their e-mail messages on the server, instead of downloading them to a single gadget. This implies that clients can get to their mail from different gadgets and still see the same e-mail messages, organizers, and names.

IMAP supports different message operations, such as looking, sorting, and filtering, which can be performed on the server. This permits clients to organize and oversee their mail messages more viably, in any case of the gadget they are utilizing. IMAP can moreover keep track of examined and new messages over numerous gadgets, guaranteeing that clients continuously see the same message status.

IMAP offers a few key highlights and benefits that make it a prevalent choice for mail recovery. Here are a few of the foremost imperative ones −

Server-based e-mail administration

With IMAP, all e-mail messages are put away on the e-mail server. This implies that clients can oversee their e-mail messages on the server, notwithstanding the gadget they are utilizing. This permits for a more synchronized encounter over the different gadgets.

Offline access

IMAP permits clients to get to their mail messages indeed when they are not associated with the web. Mail messages can be downloaded to the gadget and studied offline, and any changes made will be synchronized with the server when the gadget is associated with the web once more.

Message operations

IMAP bolsters different message operations, such as looking, and sorting, which can be performed on the server. This permits clients to organize and oversee their mail messages more effectively, regardless of the gadget they are utilizing.


IMAP bolsters different verification strategies, such as SSL/TLS, OAuth2, and others, which give a secure and scrambled association between the mail client and the server. These verification strategies are basic for avoiding unauthorized get to and ensuring the protection of mail messages.

Read and unread message tracking

IMAP can keep track of perused and new messages over different gadgets, guaranteeing that clients continuously see the same message status.


SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for forwarding email messages among servers. It is a standard protocol utilized by mail clients to send mail messages to an e-mail server, which at that point conveys the message to its aiming beneficiary

SMTP was, to begin with, characterized in 1982 in RFC 821, and it has since experienced a few corrections and upgrades, with the most recent version being SMTPUTF8, characterized in 2013. SMTP works by building up a brief connection between the e-mail client and the e-mail server, amid which the client sends the mail message to the server. The message is at that point put away within the server's mail line, where it is handled and sent to the recipient's mail server. The recipient's e-mail server at that point conveys the message to the recipient's mailbox.

SMTP offers several key features and benefits that make it a well-known choice for sending e-mail messages. Here are a few of the foremost critical ones −

Simple and efficient

SMTP is a basic and proficient protocol for sending mail messages between servers. It employs a clear command-response show, which makes it simple to actualize and utilize

Reliable message delivery

SMTP guarantees dependable message conveyance by utilizing different components to distinguish and handle blunders. In/For case, on the off chance that a message cannot be conveyed, the server will send a non-delivery notice (NDN) to the sender, advising them of the disappointment.


SMTP underpins different verification strategies, such as SMTP AUTH, which permits servers to verify clients sometime recently tolerating mail messages. Usually basic for anticipating unauthorized get to and securing the protection of e-mail messages.


SMTP supports different extensions, such as STARTTLS, which provides a secure and scrambled association between servers, and ESMTP, which includes extra highlights and commands to the fundamental SMTP protocol.


SMTP may be a broadly received protocol, which suggests that it is congruous with numerous distinctive e-mail clients, servers, and administrations. This guarantees that e-mail messages can be sent and gotten between distinctive mail systems, regardless of the computer program or equipment being utilized.

Differences between IMAP and SMTP

The differences are in the following table −

Basis of Difference



Full Form

Internet Message Access Protocol

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol


It permits clients to see and oversee e-mail messages from numerous gadgets.

It empowers clients to send mail messages through e-mail servers

Message capacity

It keeps e-mail messages on mail servers.

It does not store e-mail messages on e-mail servers.

Message control

IMAP facilitates sorting and other message operations.

It does not bolster message control

Port Number

It utilizes port numbers 143 and 993.

It utilizes port numbers 25, 465, and 587.


IMAP and SMTP are two essential protocols for mail communication, but they serve diverse purposes. IMAP is utilized for e-mail retrieval and permits clients to oversee their mail messages on the server, giving synchronized involvement over different gadgets. SMTP, on the other hand, is used for sending email messages between servers. It supports different authentication strategies, expansions, and secure connections, making it a solid and secure protocol for sending mail messages. Understanding the contrasts between IMAP and SMTP is crucial for anybody utilizing e-mail services or creating mail clients because it enables them to select the correct protocol for their particular needs and prerequisites.

Updated on: 18-Jul-2023


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