Difference Between IIS and Tomcat

IIS (Internet Information Services) and Tomcat are web server software solutions that are essential for hosting and serving web applications. IIS (Internet Information Services) is Microsoft's web server software for hosting and serving web applications on Windows operating systems. The Apache Software Foundation developed Tomcat, an open-source web server and servlet container

Read this article to find out more about IIS and Tomcat and how they are different from each other.

What is IIS?

IIS (Internet Information Services) is Microsoft's web server software for hosting and serving web applications on Windows operating systems. It is a component of the Windows Server family and is widely used for the deployment of websites, web services, and other web-based applications

Following are the key features and functionality of IIS:

  • Web Server: IIS performs the functions of a full-fledged web server, managing client requests and serving web pages and resources. It can handle both static content (HTML, CSS, images, and so on) and dynamic content generated by server-side technologies such as ASP.NET, PHP, and CGI.

  • Application Pool and Process Isolation: IIS makes use of the application pool concept, which allows several web applications to run independently in their own separate processes. This ensures that problems with one programme do not influence other applications, thereby improving security and stability.

  • Integration with Windows and Microsoft Technologies: IIS integrates effectively with other Microsoft technologies and frameworks, making it a popular choice in Windows-centric environments. It integrates with ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET, and other Microsoft languages. It also integrates with Microsoft SQL Server, Active Directory, and other Windows Server features.

  • IIS Manager: For controlling and configuring the server, IIS has a graphical user interface (GUI) tool called Internet Information Services Manager (IIS Manager). Administrators can use IIS Manager to create websites, manage virtual folders, set permissions, configure SSL certificates, monitor server performance, and perform other administrative activities

  • Security Features: IIS provides strong security measures to protect web applications and server resources. Windows authentication, forms-based authentication, and client certificate authentication are all supported. It also supports the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols for establishing encrypted, safe connections.

  • Scalability and Performance: IIS is designed to manage high traffic and has the ability to meet growing demands. It has features such as output caching, dynamic content compression, and load balancing that help increase speed and maintain smooth operation even under large loads.

What is Tomcat?

The Apache Software Foundation developed Tomcat, an open-source web server and servlet container. It is one of the most extensively used and popular Java-based application servers. Tomcat is a platform for hosting web applications that is meant to execute Java servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP).

Here are the key details about Tomcat:

  • Servlet Container: Tomcat's primary function is as a servlet container. It implements the Java Servlet and Java Server Pages (JSP) specifications, which are Java technologies used to create dynamic web applications. It manages the execution of servlets and JSPs, as well as the management of client requests and the generation of dynamic responses.

  • Web Server: Tomcat may also deliver static content such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images like a web server. It supports the HTTP and HTTPS protocols, making it suitable for hosting webpages and web applications that are accessible through the internet.

  • Java-Based: Tomcat is built in Java and must be operated with a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK). It is platform-independent and may be installed on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, macOS, and others.

  • Architecture: Tomcat has a modular architecture, with separate components handling different responsibilities. The Catalina servlet container, Coyote connector for network communication, Jasper JSP engine, and connector component for supporting various protocols (HTTP, AJP, etc.) are the major components. This modular architecture allows for versatility and scalability.

  • Deployment: Tomcat offers a number of deployment methods. Web applications can be deployed by placing the WAR (Web Application Registry) file in the specified directory or by manually setting the application in the "server.xml" file. Tomcat also supports hot deployment, which allows applications to be deployed or updated without the server having to be restarted

Difference between IIS and Tomcat

The following table highlights the major differences between IIS and Tomcat:






Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, macOS)

Developed by

Microsoft Corporation

Apache Software Foundation

Primary Language

C#, .NET Framework



Modular architecture

Monolithic architecture

Supported Protocols



ASP.NET Support



Servlet/JSP Support







Proprietary (part of Windows Server)

Open-source (Apache License)

Integration with IDEs

Integrated with Visual Studio

Supports various IDEs (Eclipse, IntelliJ)

Plugins and Extensions

Limited availability

Wide range of plugins and extensions

Load Balancing

Requires additional components

Built-in support

Web Server or Servlet Container

Web server

Servlet container


In conclusion, the choice between IIS and Tomcat depends on the web application's specific requirements, development language, and present infrastructure. IIS is frequently used in Windows-centric environments and when developing ASP.NET applications, but Tomcat is commonly used for Java-based applications and has more platform compatibility.

Updated on: 13-Jul-2023


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