Difference between IaaS and PaaS

The cloud is a hot topic for companies of all sizes, from start-ups to multinational corporations. It is more important than ever to gain an insight into the distinctions between the various cloud services as well as the benefits they offer before migrating your company's operations to the cloud, whether it be for the deployment of applications or infrastructure.

Read through this article to get a clear understanding of IaaS and PaaS, and how these two cloud services are different from each other.

What is IaaS?

IaaS, which stands for Infrastructure as a Service, is a model for providing computing infrastructure in the form of on-demand services. It is one of the three fundamental components of the cloud service model, which also includes the operating system, storage network, and servers.

Using IaaS, you can purchase server space, software, data center space, or network equipment and then you can also rent those resources as a fully outsourced service. It enables dynamic scaling, and the resources are distributed in a service-oriented manner. In most cases, IaaS involves supporting multiple users on a single piece of hardware.

Advantages of Using IaaS

  • At any point in time, the provider is able to deploy these resources into an environment belonging to one of their customers.

  • Its capacity to provide users with the opportunity to scale their businesses in accordance with the requirements of their operations.

  • When it comes to deploying resources, such as virtual machines, applications, storage, and networks, the provider has access to a number of different options.

  • Its capacity to support an extremely high number of concurrent users.

  • It is simple to extend, and doing so results in significant cost savings. Businesses are able to shoulder the enormous expenses that are associated with the introduction of cutting-edge technologies.

Drawbacks of Using IaaS

Following are some of the drawbacks of using IaaS −

  • Legacy systems − It is imperative that any legacy systems or applications be tested for compatibility with the cloud environment before the full migration to the cloud can be accomplished. There are a lot of older systems out there, and most of them are not built to work with cloud-based services. This means that they may need to be upgraded or replaced.

  • Security − There is a possibility of new security risks arising as a result of the transition from on-premise to cloud computing. These risks could originate from the host or from other virtual machines (VMs). It is essential for companies to do reviews and research on the most recent security threats and the mitigation techniques used to address them.

  • Internal training − A lack of familiarity with the complexities of a system is inevitable if it is introduced for the first time. It is critical for companies to organize supplementary training and resources in order to guarantee that their customers understand what they are doing.

Examples of IaaS

Here is a list of IaaS providers: −

  • DigitalOcean
  • Linode
  • Rackspace
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Cisco Metacloud
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Compute Engine (GCE)

What is PaaS?

Platform as a Service, also known by its acronym PaaS, is a model for the delivery of cloud services that can accommodate a variety of applications. Users of a SaaS platform have the ability to elastically scale their applications. In order to facilitate the creation of a variety of services and applications over the internet itself by developers. It is possible for these services to be provided in a public, private, or even hybrid setting.

Apps can be easily and quickly customized through the use of the framework that is provided by PaaS, which can be used by companies as well as developers. SaaS helps the developers to concentrate on the application software rather than being concerned with the management of a variety of infrastructure-related issues (like software updates, operating systems, etc.). Therefore, the only responsibility of the IT managers is to manage the software or application and clear away the rest of the clutter. Apple Developer Xcode, Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, and other similar services are all examples of Platforms as a Service.

Advantages of Using PaaS

Following are the advantages of using PaaS −

  • Programmers do not need to be concerned about the particular database or programming language that the application has been written in.

  • It gives programmers the opportunity to build applications without the burden of the underlying operating system or infrastructure.

  • Allows developers the freedom to concentrate on the design of the application while the platform manages the language and the database on their behalf.

Drawbacks of Using PaaS

Following are the drawbacks of using PaaS −

  • Integrations − You could run into difficulties when attempting to integrate new applications if you use PaaS. This is connected to problems that are caused by legacy systems due to the fact that there are frequently components of these systems that were not designed to work in the cloud.

  • Data security − If you store your data on servers provided by a third party, you expose it to the possibility of extra security concerns. Because you will need to choose a solution that is compatible with the systems provided by third parties, the available security options may also be restricted.

  • Runtime − PaaS solutions might not be entirely optimized for the language and frameworks that your company use, and it might be tough to locate a solution that is properly matched to your needs.

  • Operational limitations − Cloud operations that have been customized likely will not be compatible with PaaS solutions, particularly those that automate management procedures. Because of this, your operational capabilities may be hindered, and the scope of your business may be reduced.

Examples of PaaS

Here is list of vendors that provide Platform as a Service facility −

  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  • Windows Azure
  • Heroku
  • Force.com
  • Google App Engine
  • OpenShift

Difference between IaaS and PaaS

The following table highlights the major differences between IaaS and PaaS −

Basis of comparisonIaaSPaaS
Stands forInfrastructure as a service.Platform as a service.
UsesThe network architects use IaaS.Developers make use of PaaS.
AccessIAAS grants access to many resources including virtual machines and storage on virtual machines.PAAS grants access to the runtime environment, deployment tools, and application development resources for applications.
ModelIt is a paradigm for a service that delivers a graphical representation of computing resources via the internet.It is a form of cloud computing that provides tools that are utilized in the process of application development.
Technical understandingIt is necessary to have technical knowledge.In this situation, you will need some prior knowledge in order to set up the fundamentals.
PopularityIt is well-liked by developers and researchers.PaaS is popular among developers who primarily work on app and script development.
Cloud servicesVCloud Express, Sun, Amazon Web Services.Facebook, and Google search engine.
Enterprise servicesAWS virtual private cloudMS Azure.
Outsourced cloud servicesSalesforce.Force.com, Gigaspaces


IaaS and PaaS are two of the most incredible technologies that are currently ruling the world of cloud computing. PaaS and IaaS are referred to as the "three as a service" model. Each of these options comes with its own set of advantages as well as drawbacks. However, if you are familiar with the additional information presented above, it will be easier for you to determine which of these services will be most useful for you.

Updated on: 25-Jul-2022


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