Difference between HTTP and IPFS

HTTP is used by the World Wide Web for sending the request to the client and respond to them accordingly. It follows the centralized method of the server−client approach. Data can only be accessed if the server is active and running and no links are broken. Data is requested using the address where it is hosted. Since many users are making simultaneous requests to one server, the bandwidth is limited. While in IPFS it follows the decentralized network, rather than requesting data from a specific location or server, we make our request using a special identification that corresponds to the data's actual content.

What is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)?

The Protocol is involved in distant layers of the Open System Interconnection and TCP/IP model like the data starts to transfer from the transmitter to the receiver in session layer protocol.

Example of HTTP and IPFS Together

A conventional web browser can access content on the IPFS network by combining HTTP and IPFS. An HTTP−to−IPFS gateway, which serves as a bridge between the two protocols, can be used to do this.

Let’s take a situation, where we want to use an IPFS hash to access a file on the IPFS network. Normally, in order to achieve this, our computer would need to be configured with an IPFS node. With an HTTP−to−IPFS gateway, however, we only need to type the IPFS hash and the gateway's URL into the address bar of our web browser.

What is IPFS?

IPFS stands for Interplanetary File System, it allows the user who downloads this software and when they share the files in the wide network. These files can be viewed by anyone in the world as all the people using the IPFS software are connected to one network. The Network used in this protocol is that all the systems with the software are considered a node of the big network and when any files are uploaded it is visible to all other nodes of the network.

A service called an HTTP−to−IPFS gateway enables tools and browsers that speak HTTP to access data on the IPFS network. It offers a mechanism to use HTTP scheme URLs to address IPFS content.

Difference between HTML and IPFS

Basic Parameters




HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

IPFS stands for Interplanetary File System.


The data is not available after the removal of the parent program and the Language is mainly used to create and structure the web pages.

The data is available after the removal of the parent program.


It provides the means to transfer content from a web server to a web browser.

Since the data has been copied over various nodes, it can still be retrieved even if some nodes fail or become unavailable. As a result, the data is more readily available.


The Bandwidth is very low, as many requests are made to the single server from the client.

The Bandwidth is very high, as when a request is made to the nearest node.


Server and web browsers use HTTP for better communication

It uses nodes through peer−to−peer networks to communicate for better communication.


In this protocol, Headers are used in both request and response messages. That is it follows a centralized network.

Here, the Decentralized network format is followed.


In response to a request from a client, such as a web browser, a web server will return one of the three−digit HTTP status codes. They serve as a means of communicating the result of the request as well as information on the condition of the requested resource.

Other nodes in the network will respond to a request from a node by returning the desired data if they have it. The data's encrypted hash can be used to verify it.


The Stateless protocol would be used by HTTP which enables increased scalability and flexibility. A wide range of methods and mechanisms are provided to cache data.

In IFPS, the decentralized network would be used, the nodes are instantly available for the data to send based on request.


It is not secure by default a can be slow when transferring large amounts of data. It does not provide a way to maintain the state between requests.

Scalability and accessibility are limited as all browsers are unable to retrieve the content related to IFPS.


The description of HTTP and IPFS and its difference are explained in this article. HTTP provides an effective way to cache data, decreasing the load on web servers and enhancing performance for users. When a large amount of data needs to be transferred the HTTP becomes very slow as it needs to respond to the request raised by the user.

Updated on: 07-Jul-2023


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