Difference between HIDs and NIDs

HIDs and NIDs are both sorts of unique identifiers utilized in computing. HIDs, or Hardware IDs, are special identifiers assigned to computer hardware devices. They are utilized to distinguish particular hardware devices and guarantee that they work accurately with the computer. NIDs, or Network IDs, on the other hand, are special identifiers assigned to networks. They are utilized to distinguish particular systems and are a vital portion of network administration, security, and communication between devices on the network.

HIDs are utilized to guarantee that hardware devices work accurately and productively, and NIDs are utilized to oversee and configure systems, secure them, and empower communication between devices on the network. In this article, we are going to investigate the contrasts between HIDs and NIDs in more detail and see a few illustrations of their employment.


Host Intrusion Detection Systems (HIDs) are an imperative portion of device driver establishment, investigation, and warranty claims. Once you interface a modern hardware device to your computer, the working framework should recognize it and introduce the right drivers. The HID gives the data essential for the computer to recognize the devices and decide which driver to utilize. This preparation is called device identification.

HIDs can take a few forms, including −

  • Serial numbers Many hardware devices, such as difficult drives and solid-state drives, have serial numbers that are utilized as HIDs. These numbers are one of a kind to each device and are ordinarily printed on a name connected to the devices.

  • MAC addresses Network adapters, such as Ethernet and Wi-Fi cards, have one-of-a-kind MAC addresses that are utilized as HIDs. MAC addresses are utilized to distinguish devices on a network.

  • Device IDs − Hardware devices too have device IDs that are utilized as HIDs. These IDs are assigned by the producer and are put away within the device's firmware.

  • HIDs are put away locally on the devices themselves and can be gotten to by the working framework and device drivers. They are used to guarantee that the right driver is introduced and to troubleshoot any problems which will happen with the device.

For case, in case you're having trouble with a network adapter, you'll be able to see its MAC address within the Devices Supervisor and utilize that data to troubleshoot the issue. HIDs are a basic portion of present-day computing, and they offer assistance to guarantee Difference between HIDs and NIDs that hardware devices work correctly and proficiently. Without them, it would be much more troublesome to oversee and troubleshoot computer hardware.


Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDs) are unique identifiers doled out to systems. These IDs are utilized to recognize particular systems and are a critical portion of network administration, security, and communication between devices on the network.

NIDs can take several forms, including −

  • IP addresses − IP addresses are the foremost common shape of NID. They are allotted to devices connected to the network and are utilized to recognize those devices on the network. IP addresses comprise four sets of numbers, isolated by periods (e.g.,

  • Subnet masks − Subnet masks are utilized to partition a network into subnetworks, or subnets. They decide which portion of an IP address recognizes the network and which portion distinguishes the person’s devices.

  • Network IDs − In a few cases, a network may have a specific network ID that's utilized to recognize it. This is often more common in bigger systems with numerous subnets.

NIDs are used for several purposes, including −

  • Network administration − NIDs are utilized by network chairmen to oversee and design the network. They are utilized to relegate IP addresses, set up subnets, and oversee network security.

  • Network security − NIDs are utilized to secure the network by limiting get to particular devices or subnets. Firewalls and other security measures utilize NIDs to decide which activity is permitted to pass through

  • Communication between devices − communication between devices − NIDs are utilized by devices on the network to communicate with each other. When a device needs to communicate with another device on the network, it employments the NID to identify that device.

Differences between HIDs and NIDs

The differences are in the following table.

Basis of Difference




HID is a unique identifier assigned to a computer hardware device.

NID is a unique identifier assigned to a network.


HIDs are typically specific to a single device.

While NIDs are regularly assigned to a network and can be utilized by numerous devices connected to that network.


HIDs are stored locally on the devices.

NIDs are put away on the network


HIDs are as a rule alphanumeric strings.

NIDs are usually numerical.


HIDs are used for device driver establishment, troubleshooting, and guarantee claims.

NIDs are utilized for network administration, security, and communication between devices on the network.


The reason for an HID is to distinguish a specific hardware device.

While the purpose of a NID is to distinguish a specific network.


In conclusion, HIDs and NIDs are both important sorts of one-of-a-kind identifiers utilized in computing, but they serve exceptionally distinctive purposes. Whereas both sorts of IDs are pivotal in their regions, they are not conversant and serve exceptionally distinctive purposes. Understanding the contrasts between HIDs and NIDs is basic for anybody working within the field of computing because it can offer assistance to them way better to oversee and troubleshooting hardware devices and networks.

Updated on: 18-Jul-2023

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