Difference between HDLC and PPP

When it comes to information connect conventions, HDLC (High-Level Information Connect Control) and PPP (Point-to-Point Convention) are two broadly recognized guidelines. Whereas both conventions encourage the exchange of information between arranged gadgets, they contrast in a few crucial angles. This article points to shed light on the difference between HDLC and PPP, investigating their definitions, standardization, surrounding strategies, tending to components, mistake-taking care of capabilities, transaction highlights, verification back, association sorts, overhead contemplations, and applications.

What is HDLC?

High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) could be a synchronous bit-oriented information interface layer convention utilized for transmitting data over point-to-point and multipoint joins. It could be a broadly utilized convention that gives solid and proficient information transmission between organized gadgets.

HDLC operates in two primary modes −

Normal Response Mode (NRM) and Asynchronous Balanced Mode (ABM). In NRM, one gadget called the essential station, controls communication by starting and overseeing information exchange. ABM, on the other hand, permits both gadgets to act as breaks even, with either gadget starting communication or both gadgets having risen to duties.

HDLC frames comprise a header, data field, and a trailer. The header contains control data, such as the address of the goal station, control bits for stream control, and mistake discovery data. The data field carries the real information being transmitted. The trailer contains a cyclic repetition check (CRC) esteem for mistake discovery.

HDLC bolsters different transmission modes, counting full-duplex and half-duplex modes. It moreover gives components for blunder discovery and redress, stream control, and multiplexing different consistent channels over a single physical connection.

The HDLC convention has been broadly embraced in numerous organizing innovations, counting synchronous serial interfaces, Integrated Administrations Computerized Organize (ISDN), and X.25 systems. It serves as an establishment for other conventions such as Cisco's proprietary convention, Point-to-Point Convention (PPP), and subsidiaries like Outline Hand-off.

HDLC utilizes cyclic repetition check (CRC) for mistake discovery, which includes adding a checksum to the outline to confirm information keenness amid transmission. In any case, it does not give built-in blunder redress components.

In spite of the fact that HDLC was initially created for utilization in synchronous serial communication joins it has found far-reaching appropriation in different organized situations.

What is PPP?

Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is a Synonyms information interface layer convention utilized for building up a coordinate association between two arrange hubs, regularly over a serial interface. It gives a standard strategy for transmitting information bundles over different physical media, such as serial cables, phone lines, or fiber optic joins.

PPP offers a solid and effective way to set up and keep up a communication connection between two gadgets, permitting them to trade network-layer parcels. It underpins confirmation, blunder location, and multilink capabilities.

PPP employs a Link Control Protocol (LCP) to arrange and design the association parameters, such as verification strategies and organize conventions to be utilized

PPP too underpins different confirmation strategies, counting Secret word Confirmation Convention and Challenge Handshake Confirmation Convention, which guarantee secure and confirmed associations between arranged gadgets.

Differences between HDLC and PPP

The differences are in the following table −

Basis of Difference




Bit-oriented synchronous information interface convention.

Byte-oriented non-concurrent information connects convention.


It has been standardized by an international standards organization and is widely recognized and used across the world.

The standardization followed by the protocol is IETF and it is an open standard so can be used by people very easily.


They can carry data from different network layer protocols within their frames

PPP have the ability to encapsulate different protocols.


It does not provide a way to verify the identity of the devices communicating over the network.

These mechanisms allow the devices communicating over the network to verify each other’s identity before establishing a connection.


It is often used for transmitting data between devices within a local network.

PPP is commonly used for dial-up and PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) connections.


In conclusion, HDLC and PPP are information interface conventions with shifting characteristics and functionalities. HDLC, being a bit-oriented synchronous convention, gives direct overhead. On the other hand, PPP, a byte-oriented no concurrent convention, is predominant in dial-up associations and underpins broad arrangement capabilities, verification instruments, and variable-length surrounding. Whereas both conventions offer mistake discovery utilizing CRC, they need built-in blunder redress highlights. By comprehending the incongruities between HDLC and PPP, organize experts can successfully select the suitable convention to guarantee proficient and secure information transmission in differing arrange situations.

Updated on: 18-Jul-2023

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