Difference between Hardware Storage and Cloud Storage

Both hardware storage and cloud are storage models used to store data in a digital form. In both cases, the digital data is stored in storage servers. The most basic difference between hardware and cloud is in data accessibility. In hardware, data can be accessed only on the system in which it is stored, whereas, in the case of cloud, the data can be accessed from any device at any location.

Read this article to learn the key differences between hardware and cloud.

What is Hardware Storage?

In the context of storage, hardware is referred to as a storage system that is used for storing and accessing data. It is a system that allows users to directly interact with the computer system physically. In a hardware storage, the user sets up its own technical architecture locally. Hence, the user is in charge of the data access and privacy.

Users can completely control the hardware server, however the hardware storage is a less flexible and more expensive system. Also, if anything happens to the server, data can be lost. The most significant downside of the hardware storage is that its data cannot be accessed remotely.

What is Cloud?

Cloud is defined as a system that allows users to access different services such as data and applications through Internet. Cloud is a highly flexible and cost effective architecture of data storage because it does not require building of physical IT structure. It data can be accessed at anytime and anywhere through internet. Hence, it allows users to work remotely. It also reduces the administration cost.

However, in a cloud storage, the user loses some control over how the data is stored on the server. There are also some security concerns associated with the cloud storage as they are relatively easier to hack as compared to a local hardware server. On the upside, the cloud storage is more elastic and scalable model.

Difference between Hardware Storage and Cloud

The following table highlights all the significant differences between hardware and cloud −


Hardware Storage



Hardware storage refers to the delivery of different services such as data and programs on local server.

Cloud refers to the delivery of different services like data and programs on different servers through an internet connection.


In the case of hardware, the user has to pay for hardware assets.

In the case of cloud, the user has to pay for only use of the service.

Technical architecture

In hardware, user has to build the technical architecture of the system.

In cloud computing, the technical architecture is included in the service subscription.

Data accessibility

The end user can access data only on the system in which it is stored.

The end user can access data anywhere at any time.


There is a limit of scalability in the case of hardware which depends upon the hardware architecture.

Cloud is greatly scalable. Hence, the computing resources can be increased or decreased as per the need.


Hardware is less flexible as the end user cannot access data online without physical access to the storage device.

Cloud storage are highly flexible as users can access data from any device with an internet connection.


Hardware storage involves high cost due to requirement of physical storage devices.

Hardware storage involves high cost due to requirement of physical storage devices. Cloud storage is less expensive as it does not involve the cost of physical storage devices.

Risk of data loss

The risk of data loss in hardware is higher.

In cloud storage, there is no risk of data loss because it has multiple backups of your data.

Need of internet connection

There is no need of an internet connection to access data.

Cloud storage requires a high speed internet connection to access data.


Hardware storage has higher data access speed as it is not limited by the internet bandwidth.

Cloud storage has lower data transfer speed due to limitation of the internet bandwidth.


In hardware storage, user has 100% control over data storage.

In cloud storage, user does not have complete control over the data storage.


In hardware storage, the data is safe as it is locally protected.

In cloud storage, the data security can be good, but it depends on the service provider.


The common types of hardware storage are HDDs, SSDs, optical storage devices, etc.

The common types of cloud storage are file storage, object storage, and block storage.


Hardware storage is used to store and transfer data.

Cloud storage is used to store and access data remotely through internet.


Hardware storage is a traditional way of storing and carrying data in a local storage device, while the cloud storage is a modern way of storing and transferring data through internet. The greatest advantage of cloud storage over hardware storage is that the data stored in a cloud storage can be accessed anytime and anywhere through Internet.

Updated on: 04-Apr-2023


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