Difference between Hardware and Freeware

Hardware and Freeware are two important terms related to computers. Hardware is any physical component of a computer system while freeware is a software that is available to use without paying any subscription fee.

In this article, we will discuss the important differences between hardware and freeware. But before discussing the differences, let us have look into their basics individually.

What is Hardware?

The physical components of a computer system are called Hardware. Therefore, CPU, CPU cabinet, motherboard, keyboard, power supply, mouse, monitor, etc. are examples of hardware.

Hardware can be of two types, namely internal hardware and external hardware. Internal hardware are the hardware components of a device which are placed inside the case or body of the device. For example, motherboard, CPU, RAM, ROM, etc. are examples of internal hardware. On the other hand, external hardware are the hardware components of the computer which are placed outside the computer case and are usually connected through cables, like monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. Basically, hardware forms the basic Skeleton of a computer or any other electronic device.

What is Freeware?

A software which is available for free to use is termed as a freeware. In other words, a software for which the user does not have to pay a purchasing or subscription fee is known as a freeware.

Freeware is generally distributed with advertising or a limited accessibility to functions. The revenue generated from advertisement is the primary source of income for owner of the freeware. These kinds of software are often created by an individually or a very small team.

Freeware can be downloaded directly from the internet without any restrictions. Sometimes, a freeware may offer a cost-effective substitute of a commercial software. Examples of freeware include Google Chrome, VLC media player, Blender, Notepad++, Audacity, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc.

After getting an overview of hardware and freeware, let us now discuss the important differences between them.

Difference between Hardware and Freeware

The important differences between hardware and freeware are highlighted in the following table:





Any physical components of a computer system are called hardware.

A software which is available for free to use is referred to as a freeware.

Purchasing cost

There is a certain cost of a hardware component to purchase it.

Freeware is available free of cost.


Hardware is physical parts of a computer system.

Freeware is a software.


Hardware involves physical upgradation.

Freeware involves software upgradation through updates.


Hardware is compatible only to systems for which they are designed.

Freeware is often compatible with all computer systems.


Hardware components have a fixed lifespan, after which they must be replaced with a new one.

Freeware is usable for indefinite time.


Hardware is available on computer hardware stores.

Freeware are available on internet, can be downloaded and installed.


Hardware components are fixed to a computer physically; hence they may be considered non-portable.

Freeware is considered portable, as they can be carried from one system to another using a portable storage device.


Hardware components have a fixed time warranty provided by the manufacturer.

There is no warranty of freeware.

Source of income

Hardware manufacturers make profit on every sell.

Freeware owners make money through advertisement or donation.


Examples of hardware include CPU, keyboard, mouse, screen, etc.

Examples of freeware include Google chrome, Linux, Notepad++, VLC media player, etc.


The most significant difference between hardware and freeware is that hardware is the physical components of a computer system or any other electronic device, whereas freeware is a software that is available for free of cost to use.

Updated on: 16-May-2023


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