Difference between Hard Real Time and Soft Real Time System

Real time is a system in which a deadline is given and the work has to be completed within the time. If this task is not accomplished within the given time, then there can be a huge loss. There is an operating system called RTOS which can be expanded to Real Time Operating System.

The aim of designing this operating system is to manage the time constraints to complete a task or a project. Real time systems can be divided into hard real time systems and soft real time systems. In this article, we will discuss the difference between a hard real time system and a soft real time system.

What is Hard Real Time System?

Hard real time is a system in which the results produced have to meet the time constraint. Time constraints are very strict in this system. If professionals are unable to meet a deadline, it can lead to a severe loss. This loss can be either damage to a machine or injury or loss of life of human beings. Some of the examples of this type of system include medical equipment, defense systems, etc.

Examples of Hard Real Time System

The examples of hard real time systems are as follows −

  • Flight Control Systems
  • Missile Guidance Systems
  • Weapons Defence System
  • Medical System
  • Inkjet printer system
  • Railway signaling system
  • Air traffic control systems
  • Nuclear reactor control systems
  • Anti-missile system
  • Chemical plant control
  • Autopilot System in Plane
  • Pacemakers

What is Soft Real Time System?

Soft real time system is a system in which the operation of a project is degraded if it is not completed on time. Results may or may not be provided within the given time limit. It is not necessary to meet the deadline for every task but the process should be completed to give the result.

Examples of Soft Real Time System

The examples of soft real time systems are as follows −

  • Personal computer
  • Audio and video systems
  • Set-top boxes
  • DVD Players
  • Weather Monitoring Systems
  • Electronic games
  • Multimedia system
  • Web browsing
  • Online transaction systems
  • Telephone switches
  • Virtual reality
  • Mobile communication

Difference between Hard Real Time System and Soft Real Time System

Hard real time system and soft real time system has many differences and these differences can be found in the table below −

Hard Real Time System Soft Real Time System
This is a system which has the ability to handle the files whose size can be small or medium. This is a system that has the ability to deal with data files of large size.
The response time in this system is measured in milliseconds. The response time in this system is high comparatively.
Peak load time can be easily predicted. Peak load time can be tolerated in this system.
The most critical aspect of this system is safety. The safety aspect is not critical in this system.
This is a very restrictive system as the work has to be completed on time. If it is not done, a huge loss can occur. The restriction in this system is comparatively less.
Response is a guarantee in the given timeline. There is no guarantee of getting a response time within a given timeline.
Property damage or loss of life can happen if things are not done properly. Consequences are minor if any carelessness happens.
Critical tasks with high priority have to be completed on time. Tasks with lower priority are completed in this system.
Databases in this system are short Databases are longer in this system.
Validation is required for each task as per the requirement. Validation is not required for any task.
Data integrity is of short-term. Data integrity is of long-term.
Hard real time system is less flexible. Soft real time system is more flexible.
This system is more efficient. This system is comparatively less efficient.


Real time system is of two types which are hard and soft real time systems. In the hard real time system, the safety aspect is critical and the given task has to be completed in the given time. In the soft real time system time, restriction is not an issue but it is a good thing to complete the work on time. Hard real time system is more efficient in comparison to the soft real time system.

FAQs on Hard Real Time and Soft real Time Systems

1. Which of the systems is more efficient?

Hard time real system is more efficient as the work has to be completed on time without any delay. If the task is delayed, it can result in severe consequences which can be loss of property or life.

2. In which system, priority is given to safety?

Priority is given to safety in the hard real time system. It is so because workers and professionals have to deal with risky items like air traffic control system, missile guidance system, nuclear reactor control systems, etc.

3. The database of which system is long?

The database of soft real time system is long as it deals with a large amount of data.

4. Which system is more restrictive?

Hard real tie system is more restrictive as the tasks have to be completed in time without any delay. If the results are delivered late, there can be harsh consequences and a huge loss can occur.

5. Which system can handle large files?

Large files can be handled by soft real time system. The hard real time system deals with small or medium files.

Updated on: 26-Jul-2024


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