Difference between Hadoop and Teradata

There are currently numerous Big Data technologies on the marketplace that are having a major impact on the emerging technological stacks for handling Big Data. Apache Hadoop is one such platform that has been the center of Big Data discussions. Hadoop is the biggest technology in the Big Data business. Teradata is a system for managing relational databases and a leading data warehousing solution that offers analytics solutions for managing data. It is used to store and process vast quantities of structured data securely. Technology has revolutionized how data is generated, processed, and used. With a large amount of computer-generated data from many organizations, these tools serve as a means to compute data.

Hadoop stores and analyzes various data kinds, enabling data-driven organizations to derive full value from all their information easily. It can process any type of information using multiple open-source tools, irrespective of whether the data is organized, semi-structured, or unstructured. Hadoop has unique abilities for processing unstructured data. In contrast, Teradata is a traditional relational warehouse system best suited for storing and analyzing huge amounts of structured tabular data. It is not suitable for dealing with semi-structured or unstructured data. Teradata is a shared-nothing architecture built on highly parallel processing technology.

Hadoop does not speed up task execution; instead, it distributes the task across several nodes, and all nodes work in parallel to complete the job in much less time. Once all charges have been performed, the information from each server is gathered and combined to produce the results. Hadoop uses its data warehouse tool, named hive, to query data sets in flat files in a distributed file system, but it is slower than Teradata. Hive lacks a primary key, but Teradata has the advantage of having primary keys, which enhances the effectiveness of querying data using Teradata.

What is Hadoop?

Hadoop is a popular framework. It has several components that facilitate the storage and analysis of data. Fortune 500 companies widely use Hadoop due to its Big Data analytics abilities. Hadoop was built to examine Big Data. It can handle an enormous amount of data and process it in a short amount of time. It enables you to store large amounts of information without affecting the efficiency of your storage system. Hadoop splits your data into groups and analyzes it in parallel. It can use less network bandwidth since it transfers logic to working nodes. It saves you a lot of time and energy by parallelizing data processing.

Hadoop lowers operational expenses by allowing you to use commodity storage devices. Instead of using a single large and costly storage system, you may use multiple small and simple data storage devices. Running a big data storage unit is expensive. Upgrading the same is also costly. With Hadoop, you may employ fewer data storage devices while upgrading them at a reduced cost. Hadoop also improves operational efficiency. Overall, it's an amazing option for any business. Because of its adaptability and effectiveness, Hadoop is used in a wide range of sectors.

What is Teradata?

Teradata is among the most widely used Relational database management systems (RDBMS). Teradata is ideal for big data warehousing applications. Teradata is capable of handling massive amounts of data and is extremely scalable. Teradata systems are very flexible and linear. It can easily manage a big volume of data at once. It can be extended to a maximum of 2048 nodes, which improves system efficiency.

Teradata's architecture is built around massively parallel processors (MPP), which split enormous amounts of data into smaller tasks. Each of these tiny processors works in parallel. This method of execution speeds up the completion of difficult jobs. We can receive the same data from Teradata across many deployment choices. Teradata's parallel system may interact with channel-attached devices such as network or mainframe computers. Teradata offers utilities for loading and unloading data to and from the Teradata system.

Teradata offers low latency and produces faster results than Hadoop. Because of Teradata's low latency, it is employed in situations where time is a significant problem. Teradata has a licensing fee, and the hardware it requires is also rather expensive, making Teradata more costly than Hadoop.

Teradata Corporation is an American information technology company. It provides application and data analytic platforms, as well as other services offered. The company produces software that centralizes information from various sources and provides it for examination. Teradata offers a broad range of data storage facility services. It uses the Service Workstation to provide a unified operating view for a large Teradata multi-node system.

Differences between Hadoop and Teradata

The following table highlights the major differences between Hadoop and Teradata −




Comparison in technology

Hadoop is a Big Data technology that stores huge amounts of information in a distributed format across nodes.

Teradata is a relational database warehouse deployed in a single RDBMS and acts as a centralized database.

Price factor

Hadoop is an open-source platform with no licensing fees and is available freely.

Teradata has a licensing fee, and the hardware required is considerably more expensive than Hadoop.

Processing Speed

Hadoop is significantly slower than teradata

Teradata is faster than Hadoop in comparison.

Data Storage Types

Can handle organized, semistructured, and unstructured data.

Can handle organized, semistructured, and unstructured data.


More nodes/disks can be added, but the licensing fee will rise.

Additional nodes/disks can be added as required to boost processing and storage power.


If cost savings are the most important aspect, and the customer is willing to compromise on execution time, Hadoop should be chosen over Teradata. If the customer wants quick execution and can afford the Teradata licensing cost, Teradata is the way to go. Suppose the user needs to deal with unstructured or semi-structured data. In that case, Hadoop is recommended since it is very simple to process unstructured and semistructured data because of the variety of Hadoop tools available.

Teradata is a shared-nothing architecture built on a massively parallel processing(MPP) system. In contrast, Hadoop is built on a 'Master-Slave Architecture,' in which a cluster comprises a single Controller node and all other nodes are secondary nodes.

Updated on: 19-Jan-2023


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