Difference Between Grams and Kilograms

With the unification of trade worldwide and the advancement in science, units of measure changed from traditional ones. This has enhanced common understanding of terms used universally in trade, education and many other aspects of life, as well as eradicating inconsistencies. Examples of these units of measure are grams and kilograms.

What is Gram?

This is a metric system used to refer to mass. It was adopted in the year 1795 by the French National Convention and replaced the gravet. It is used widely in the measurement of ingredients that are not liquid, such as cooking materials. The official symbol is g. 1000g equals 1kg.

What is Kilogram?

This is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units and relates to how heavy an object is. Commonly abbreviated as kg, it was written into French law in 1795. The kilogram is the only SI unit that was directly defined based on an artefact as opposed to physical properties. 1 kilogram equals 1000g.

Similarities: Grams and Kilograms

  • Both are units of mass

  • Both are used in the measure of non-liquid items

Differences: Grams and Kilograms

One significant difference between grams and kilograms is their magnitudes. A gram is a small unit of measurement, while a kilogram is a larger unit of measurement. To put it into perspective, a gram is roughly the weight of a paperclip, while a kilogram is the weight of a small watermelon. Therefore, it is easier to measure smaller objects in grams, and larger objects in kilograms.

Another difference between grams and kilograms is the level of precision required for measurement. Since a gram is a smaller unit, it is more precise than a kilogram. For example, if we were to weigh a small object such as a pin, using a kilogram scale, the result would be inaccurate since the scale is not sensitive enough to measure in such small units. In contrast, using a gram scale for the same object would provide a more precise measurement. On the other hand, if we were to weigh a larger object such as a person using a gram scale, it would not be practical since the scale cannot handle such a weight. Instead, a kilogram scale would be more appropriate, and the measurement would still be accurate.

The application of grams and kilograms depends on the object being measured. As mentioned earlier, grams are used to measure small objects, such as food ingredients, spices, or jewelry. Kilograms, on the other hand, are used to measure larger objects such as people, cars, or furniture. In scientific experiments, measurements are taken in grams since it requires a higher level of precision, while in daily life, people use kilograms more often.

The following table highlights the major differences between Grams and Kilograms −





A gram is a metric system used to refer to mass.

A kilogram is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units.


The gram symbol is "g".

The kilogram symbol is kg.

Unit System

The unit system for the gram is SI derived unit and CGS base.

The unit system in a kilogram is SI base unit.


Both grams and kilograms are widely used in the commodity market. Grams are mainly used to measure items which are less than 1kg. Kilograms, on the other hand, are used to measure heavier items. These two have made life easier as measuring both units of small and large mass have been simplified.

Updated on: 18-Apr-2023


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