Difference between GPS and GPRS

GPS and GPRS serve diverse purposes and utilize distinctive strategies to realize their objectives. In this article, we will investigate the contrasts between GPS and GPRS, counting their capabilities, employment, and confinements. By understanding the contrasts between these two advances, you'll be able to make educated choices about which one of them to utilize for your particular needs. GPS works by transmitting signals from satellites in space to a GPS collector on the ground. GPRS permits the transmission of information in little parcels, which makes it perfect for applications that require more transfer speed but visit information transmissions, such as versatile web browsing, e-mail, and remote monitoring.

What is GPS?

GPS (Global Positioning System) is a satellite-based route framework that gives exact area and timing data to clients around the world. It employs an arrangement of circling satellites to decide the area, speed, and time of a GPS collector.

GPS was initially created by the Joined Together States Division of Defense for military applications, but it was made accessible for civilian utilize in the 1980s. Nowadays, GPS is broadly utilized in an assortment of applications, counting routes, looking over, mapping, following, and timing.

The GPS recipient employs these signals to calculate its position, speed, and time. The more signals the collector can get, the more accurate its location data will be. Ordinarily, a GPS collector will have to get signals from at slightest four satellites to decide its position precisely.

GPS has revolutionized navigation and area following, making it conceivable for people and organizations to pinpoint their area with tall exactness in any place within the world. It has moreover empowered an extent of modern applications, from real-time following of vehicles and cargo to accuracy horticulture and looking over.

What is GPRS?

GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) may be a packet-based remote communication benefit that empowers information exchange over a portable arrange. It is an advancement of the prior GSM (Worldwide Framework for Versatile Communications) innovation and is still utilized in a few ranges where more progressed versatile information systems are not accessible.

GPRS is an always-on benefit, which suggests that information can be transmitted and gotten ceaselessly, without the ought to build up an association each time information is sent. GPRS works by partitioning the accessible transfer speed of a cellular network into little parcels of information, which are at that point transmitted over the organize. Each parcel is directed to its goal utilizing the foremost proficient way, which makes a difference to optimize arrange execution and diminishing inactivity.

GPRS has been to a great extent supplanted by more up-to-date versatile information innovations, such as 3G, 4G, and 5G, which offer quicker information exchange speeds and more progressed highlights. Be that as it may, GPRS is still utilized in a few regions where more progressed versatile information systems are not accessible, or where the fetching of overhauling to a more up-to-date innovation is restrictive.

Differences between GPS and GPRS

The differences are in the following table −

Basis of Difference




GPS is utilized for the area following and route.

Whereas GPRS is utilized for portable information exchange and communication.


GPS could be a satellite-based route framework that employs an arrangement of circling satellites to decide the area, speed, and time of a GPS receiver.

GPRS, on the other hand, maybe a packet-based remote communication benefit that empowers information exchange over a portable organization.


GPS is utilized for an assortment of applications, such as route, following, mapping, and studying.

GPRS is utilized for versatile web browsing, e-mail, and remote checking, among other applications.


GPS scope is worldwide because it employs an arrangement of satellites to supply area information.

GPRS scope is limited to the scope region of a cellular organization.

Transmission capacity

GPS requires exceptionally small transmission capacity because it as it were should transmit area information.

GPRS, on the other hand, can transmit information in little parcels, which makes it perfect for applications that require more transfer speed but visit information transmission.


GPS gives exceedingly precise area data, with an exactness of up to a couple of meters.

GPRS does not give area data but can be utilized to transmit area information from a GPS-enabled gadget.


In conclusion, GPS and GPRS are two diverse innovations that serve diverse purposes. GPS may be a satellite-based route framework that provides highly accurate area data, whereas GPRS could be a packet-based remote communication benefit that empowers information exchange over a portable organize. By understanding the contrasts between these two innovations, y be able to make educated choices appropriately /approximately which one to utilize for your specific needs.

Updated on: 17-May-2023


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