Difference between GO and Erlang

Go and Erlang are two popular programming languages that are frequently utilized for building large-scale, conveyed, and fault-tolerant frameworks. Whereas both languages have their claims and various kinds of highlights and qualities, both share a common objective of giving designers effective devices for building versatile and adaptable frameworks. In this article, we'll compare Go and Erlang in terms of their concurrency models, fault-tolerance highlights, syntax, performance, and community support. By understanding the qualities and shortcomings of these two languages, developers can make educated choices approximately as to which language to utilize for their next project.


Go is outlined for building a basic, productive, and dependable program that can scale to handle large systems. It is easier to capture errors early within the advanced preparation and improves execution.

Go contains a syntax comparable to C and C++, but it also includes a few highlights from other languages such as rubbish collection, concurrency, and energetic sorts. Go was outlined to address the impediments of existing programming language and give distant higher electives for building disseminated frameworks

One of the key highlights of Go is its concurrency show. Go has a built-in back for concurrency through goroutines and channels. Goroutines are lightweight strings that permit different capacities to run concurrently within the same address space. Channels are utilized to communicate between goroutines and give a way for distinctive goroutines to synchronize their activities.

Go too incorporates a garbage collector, which consequently liberates up memory that's not required by the program. This makes memory administration less demanding and dispenses with the requirement for manual memory allotment and deallocation

Go is regularly utilized for building web applications and APIs, as well as for system-level programming. Go's standard library incorporates packages for handling HTTP demands, working with databases, and performing arrange operations. The dialect is additionally prevalent for building microservices, which are little, autonomous services that communicate with each other over a network.

Go is a moderately new language, but it has rapidly picked up popularity due to its effortlessness, effectiveness, and ease of utilization. Go encompasses an expansive and dynamic community of developers, and there are numerous assets accessible for learning the dialect. A few prevalent assets for learning Go incorporate the official Go documentation, the Go Visit, and different online courses and tutorials.


Erlang was planned to address the challenges of building frameworks that are highly available, strong, and fault-tolerant, and it has been utilized broadly within the broadcast communications industry to construct strong, real-time frameworks.

One of the key highlights of Erlang is its concurrency demonstration. Erlang was planned from the ground up to bolster concurrency, and it incorporates lightweight forms and message passing for communicating between forms. Erlang's concurrency demonstration permits developers to construct frameworks that can handle numerous concurrent associations and demands, making it perfect for building real-time frameworks such as chat applications and trading frameworks.

Another critical highlight of Erlang is its fault tolerance. Erlang was planned to handle mistakes and failures smoothly, and it incorporates highlights such as process isolation, supervisors, and restart procedures to assist guarantee that a framework can proceed to operate indeed within the face of failures. Erlang's fault-tolerance features make it a popular choice for building frameworks that require tall accessibility and unwavering quality, such as telecoms frameworks and money-related trading systems.

This makes Erlang a highly flexible language that's well-suited for building frameworks that have to be adjusted to changing conditions and necessities.

Erlang too incorporates an effective design-matching syntax, which makes it simple to type in brief and expressive code. Design coordinating is utilized broadly in Erlang to handle messages passed between forms, and it too makes it simple to work with complex information structures such as records and tuples

Erlang's syntax is one of a kind and may take a little time to urge utilized, but its control and adaptability make it a valuable tool for building highly-available and fault-tolerant frameworks. Erlang is open source and includes an expansive and dynamic community of developers, which suggests that there are numerous assets accessible for learning and utilizing the language.

Differences between Go and Erlang

The differences are in the following table

Basis of Difference



Error handling

Uses explicit return values for errors means that functions that can result in an error will return an additional value of the error type along with the result.

Employments/Employs exception handling means when an error occurs, an exception is raised and the normal flow of the program is interrupted.


Rich tooling with effective IDE support.

Good tooling, but fewer choices compared to Go.


Go has a large and rapidly growing community of developers and users.

Erlang has a smaller but committed community of developers and users.


Cloud development, Stand alone application, Distributed networking services

Telecommunication and database applications, Real time applications.


In conclusion, Go and Erlang is both capable programming languages that are well-suited for building large-scale, conveyed, and fault-tolerant systems. Both languages have dynamic and steady communities, and there are numerous assets accessible for learning and utilizing them. Eventually, the choice between Go and Erlang will depend on the particular needs of a venture.

Updated on: 18-Jul-2023


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