Difference between Globalization Testing and Localization Testing

Globalization testing and localization testing are conducted to test the linguistic and cultural aspects of the software. It is mostly used to identify the product’s appeal to global and local audiences. With proper testing, organizations can introduce their software products worldwide.

Globalization and localization testing allow the testing team to measure the performance, function, quality, and other essential fundamentals of the software. In the world of globalization, companies need to accommodate the needs of the end-users, in which these testing play a significant role.

What is Globalization Testing?

Globalization testing is used to test the software for multiple languages. This testing ensures that the application supports multiple languages and features.

What is Localization testing?

Localization testing is used to test a specific software based on the country, region, etc.

Objective of Localization and Globalization Testing

Localization testing is used to identify the defects and gaps in software. Such gaps can impact the overall function, such as user interface, features, translation, etc. This is also executed to analyze the standard of a product in terms of culture and locale.

Objective of Globalization Testing

Globalization testing aims to identify loopholes and defects in software that can hinder the software’s quality when introduced on a global scale. The tests also cover several international supports, ensuring it doesn’t affect its functionality and performance. Most importantly, it is used to ensure the adaptability of software based on geographic changes, ensuring a universal performance and appeal.

Characteristics of Localization testing

Following are the characteristics of localization testing −

  • It is used to determine the compatibility and adaptability of software to a specific region or locale

  • It helps in analyzing typographical errors

  • It assists in the validation of linguistic and resource accuracy

  • It empowers developers to customize a product based on language

  • The testing is done on the local version, which doesn’t affect the cultural sensitivities

Characteristics of Globalization testing

Following are the characteristics of globalization testing −

  • It enables the application to run in multiple languages

  • It helps to identify potential defects and bugs that can adversely affect the performance of a software

  • It is used to validate the functionality of the software by using a series of international inputs

  • It focuses on cultural sensitivities since the software specifications may vary among countries, languages, and regions

  • It ensures that the linguistic and resource used are accurate

Parameters of Globalization Testing

Globalization testing comprises parameters including −

  • Language

  • Vocabulary

  • Date and time format

  • Currency format

  • Conversion rates

  • Contact information including address, zip code, phone number, etc.

  • Fonts

Parameters of Localization Testing

Localization testing comprises parameters including −

  • Language

  • Time-format

  • Currency

  • Appearance on the display

  • Font scripting

  • Content

  • UI

  • Translation

  • Features and functionalities of a local version of the software from a specific country

Advantage of Globalization Testing

Below are the advantages of globalization testing −

  • It makes the product more sensitive to a specific culture and language

  • It helps in reducing the overall cost of testing and support

  • It tests the consistency in printed documents, command key sequences and messages, etc.

  • It focuses on the software’s global appeal by improving its quality, performance, and customer base

  • It allows developers to identify defects in language input texts so that to rectify them at it’s earliest

Advantage of Localization Testing

Below are the advantages of Localization testing:

  • It ensures the product offers high linguistic value to users

  • It helps in reducing the overall testing and support cost

  • It provides cultural appropriateness assessment and precise translation of languages

  • It confirms the application pass the political appropriation test leading to a better international appeal to the target market

Globalization testing Vs. Localization testing

Globalization testing
Localization testing
To ensure the application complies with multiple languages and features.
To confirm the software supports a specific language from a specific region.
Product requirement
Requires a globalized product. Developers often separate the code from messages and information. It allows developers to build a different language software without redesigning it completely.
It doesn’t require a localized product.
Target Users
It emphasizes on the generic user base.
It emphasizes on a small group of user from a specific locale or culture.
Core benefits
It allows identification of potential errors and bugs in a software that may prevents its performance.
It is used to identify typographical errors.
Area of application
It verifies all functionalities of a software using international inputs.
It assists in verifying all application resources.
Consideration before testing
Test engineers consider the software is being tested to be used in a global scale.
Engineers assumes that the product will be used by a certain group of users from a specific locality.
It validates currency formats including addresses, formats of mobile number, date and time formats, etc.
It validates the functionality of a particular format of currency, address, mobile number, etc.
Duration of Test
It takes less time to complete the testing process.
It takes less time to implement the test.
It follows an independent approach. Test engineers, translators and engineers’ works separately.
It is done on locale scale that lessen the testing time.
Google.com. It supports a large scale of langauges, used by everyone across the world.
Baidu.com- supports only Chinese language. It is only used by Mainland China’s audiences.


Globalization and Localization testing serve a greater role in uniting the whole world in a single space. It allows engineers to develop software by maintaining cultural appropriateness, language sensitivity and makes the product appears more appealing and user-friendly. Nowadays, almost all applications are developed focusing on global audiences. In such a competitive marketplace, developing software without executing globalization and localization testing is practically impossible.

Updated on: 13-Jul-2021


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