Difference Between getPath() and getCanonicalPath() in Java

Java developers use file paths often. Like that. It's crucial to know Java's path extraction methods. Developers use getPath() and getCanonicalPath() to retrieve data about files' locations in an application's programme structure. However, While both methods obtain valid file data, it's vital not to overlook their major differences. Examining those disparities is our article. Providing insight into when and how to apply either of these techniques effectively when working on Java projects that require file location information. We'll discuss their definitions, functions, and uses. By understanding these two ways, programmers may make informed decisions about file paths and retrieve file information correctly.


The getPath() strategy returns a string representation of the record path because it was initially indicated when the Record protest was made. On the other hand, the getCanonicalPath() strategy returns the absolute path of the file after settling any relative references and symbolic links.

Explanation of the Syntax

The getPath() strategy in Java's File lesson could be a straightforward getter that returns the way because it was initially indicated. It does not perform any file framework operations or resolve any typical links. The returned path may contain relative references (e.g., "../file.txt") or typical links that have not been resolved.

The getCanonicalPath() strategy, on the other hand, performs more progressed operations to resolve the supreme path of the file. It resolves any relative references and symbolic links present in the path, resulting in a fully resolved and normalized path. The returned path is an absolute path that is free from any symbolic links or relative references.

Approach 1

Algorithm for Approach 1

  • Make a File object with the file path.

  • Utilize the getPath() strategy to recover the path.

  • Show the path obtained from the getPath() strategy.


import java.io.File;

public class PathExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      File file = new File("path/to/file.txt");
      String path = file.getPath();
      System.out.println("Path using getPath(): " + path);


Path using getPath(): path/to/file.txt

Explanation of the Code in Approach 1

The primary approach includes utilizing the getPath() strategy to retrieve the record way because it was initially indicated. This strategy is moderately straightforward and does not include any record framework operations or determination of symbolic joins. It returns the way precisely because it was given when the Record question was made.

To actualize this approach, you first make a Record question with the specified file path. At that point, you employ the getPath() strategy on the Record question to get the path string. This path string is the same as the one at first indicated amid the creation of the Record question.

The advantage of this approach is that it gives the initial representation of the record path, which can be valuable in scenarios where you would like to protect the precise path arrangement. In any case, it's critical to note that the way obtained from getPath() may incorporate relative references (e.g., "../file.txt") or typical joins that have not been settled. Hence, in case you require a completely settled and supreme path, this approach may not be appropriate.

Approach 2

Algorithm for Approach 2

  • Make a Record object with the file path.

  • Utilize the getCanonicalPath() strategy to recover the canonical path.

  • Show the path obtained from the getCanonicalPath() strategy.


import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;

public class CanonicalPathExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      File file = new File("path/to/file.txt");
      try {
         String canonicalPath = file.getCanonicalPath();
         System.out.println("Canonical Path using getCanonicalPath(): " + canonicalPath);
      } catch (IOException e) {


Canonical Path using getCanonicalPath(): /home/cg/root/94453/path/to/file.txt

Explanation of the Code in Approach 2

The second approach involves using the getCanonicalPath() method to retrieve the canonical path of the file. This method performs more advanced operations to resolve any relative references and symbolic links present in the path. It returns the fully resolved and absolute path of the file.

To actualize this approach, you make a Record protest with the required record way. At that point, you employ the getCanonicalPath() strategy on the Record question to get the canonical way string. This path string speaks to the genuine area of the record within the record framework, with all typical joins and relative references settled.

It's vital to note that the getCanonicalPath() strategy may toss an IOException in the event that an error happens amid the determination to prepare. In this manner, it's suggested to handle this special case employing a try-catch piece when utilizing this approach.

The advantage of this approach is that it gives a completely settled and normalized path, which is free from any typical joins or relative references. This guarantees that the path precisely speaks to the file's area within the record framework. If you wish to perform operations that depend on the supreme path of the record, such as record control or getting to record completely different catalogs, utilizing getCanonicalPath() is the appropriate choice.

In conclusion, the choice between getPath() and getCanonicalPath() depends on your particular requirements. If you need the original path representation or want to preserve relative references and symbolic links, getPath() is suitable. However, if you require a fully resolved and absolute path, free from symbolic links and relative references, getCanonicalPath() is the preferred option. Understanding the distinctions between these approaches enables developers to work with file paths effectively in Java programs.

Difference Between getPath() and getCanonicalPath() in Java

Point of Difference




Returns the path as originally specified.

Returns the fully resolved and absolute path.

Symbolic Link Resolution

Does not resolve symbolic links.

Resolves symbolic links in the path.

Relative Path Resolution

Does not resolve relative references in the path.

Resolves relative references in the path.

File System Operations

Does not perform file system operations.

Performs file system operations to obtain the canonical path.

Exception Handling

Does not throw any exceptions.

Throws IOException if an error occurs during resolution.


In summary, the getPath() method returns the path as it was originally specified, including any relative references or symbolic links. It does not perform any resolution of the path. On the other hand, the getCanonicalPath() strategy returns the absolute path of the file after settling any relative references and symbolic links. It provides a fully resolved and normalized path. Understanding the difference between these two methods is crucial when dealing with file paths in Java, as it ensures accurate path manipulation and file system operations.

Updated on: 31-Jul-2023


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