Difference Between getPath() and getAbsolutePath() in Java

When working with record frameworks and record ways in Java, it is significant to get a handle on the subtleties between the strategies getPath() and getAbsolutePath(). These strategies, having a place in the Record lesson, serve distinct purposes in getting record ways. By understanding their language structure, usefulness, and fitting utilize cases, you'll be able explore the complexities of record handling more effectively. In this article, we are going to dive into the differences between getPath() and getAbsolutePath(), enabling you with the information to select the foremost reasonable strategy for your particular necessities.


The syntax for getPath() is as follows −

String getPath()

The syntax for getAbsolutePath() is as follows −

String getAbsolutePath()

Explanation of Syntax

Both strategies return a String speaking to the record way. The getPath() strategy returns the path utilized to build the Record question or the relative path in case the question was made employing a relative path. On the other hand, the getAbsolutePath() strategy returns the supreme path of the record.

Approach 1: getPath()

The getPath() strategy returns the path utilized to build the Record protest or the relative path in case the protest was made employing a relative path. This method can be useful after you have to get the path as given during object creation.

Algorithm for Approach 1

  • Create a File object by providing a relative path or an absolute path.

  • Call the getPath() method on the File object.

  • Store the returned path in a variable.

  • Use the path as required.


import java.io.File;

public class GetPathExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      File file = new File("example.txt");
      String path = file.getPath();
      System.out.println("Path: " + path);


Path: example.txt

Explanation of the Code in Approach 1

The getPath() strategy in Java's Record lesson returns the way utilized to develop the Record question or a relative path in case the protest was made utilizing one. This strategy is especially valuable once you have to get the path as given amid the object's creation.

When utilizing getPath(), the returned way may or may not be an absolute path. In the event that the Record protest was made employing a relative way, getPath() will return the same relative path. For illustration, in case you make a Record question with the path "example.txt", the getPath() strategy will return "example.txt". On the other hand, on the off chance that the Record question was created using an absolute path, getPath() will return the absolute path itself.

This approach is important after you need to work with the first or relative path of a file, such as when controlling records inside a particular directory or comparing paths for correspondence. Be that as it may, be beyond any doubt that the returned path isn't ensured to be an supreme path, which may constrain its appropriateness in certain scenarios.

Approach 2: getAbsolutePath()

The getAbsolutePath() strategy returns the supreme path of the file. This strategy is valuable after you require the total path of a file, counting the root directory.

Algorithm for Approach 2

  • Create a File object by providing a relative path or an absolute path.

  • Call the getAbsolutePath() method on the File object.

  • Store the returned absolute path in a variable.

  • Use the path as required.


import java.io.File;

public class GetAbsolutePathExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      File file = new File("example.txt");
      String absolutePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
      System.out.println("Absolute Path: " + absolutePath);


Absolute Path: /home/example.txt

Explanation of the Code in Approach 2

The getAbsolutePath() strategy in Java's File class returns the supreme path of the record. It gives the total path representation, counting the root catalog, regardless of whether the Record question was made with a relative or outright path. This strategy is valuable once you require the complete, unambiguous way of a record.

When utilizing getAbsolutePath(), the returned path will continuously be a supreme path. For illustration, in the event that you make a Record protest with the path "example.txt" and the current working catalog is "/path/to", the getAbsolutePath() strategy will return "/path/to/example.txt". This approach guarantees reliable and dependable get to to the total record path, independent of how the Record question was instantiated.

This approach is useful in scenarios where you require the supreme path, such as when working with file operations that request the total path, or when you got to resolve a file's area within the record system. By utilizing getAbsolutePath(), you can confidently access and manipulate files with precision.

In summary, the getPath() method returns the path used to construct the File object or a relative path if it was created using one. It is appropriate for scenarios where you wish the first or relative way of a record. On the other hand, the getAbsolutePath() strategy returns the supreme path of the file, giving a complete and unambiguous representation. It is perfect once you require the total path, counting the root directory. By understanding the contrasts and capabilities of both approaches, you'll be able select the most suitable strategy based on your particular record path necessities.

Difference Between getPath() and getAbsolutePath() in Java





The path used to construct the File object or a relative path

The absolute path of the file, including the root directory

Path Type

May return a relative or absolute path

Always returns an absolute path


Retrieve the original or relative path of a file

Obtain the full and unambiguous path of a file

Path Format

Can return paths in different formats (relative or absolute) based on how the File object was created

Always returns the path in a consistent absolute format

Path Resolution

Resolves the path relative to the current working directory

Provides the complete path regardless of the current working directory


In outline, the getPath() strategy returns the path utilized to develop the Record question or the relative path in the event that it was made using a relative path, whereas the getAbsolutePath() strategy returns the supreme path of the record. It is vital to select the suitable strategy based on your specific requirements. If you need the initial or relative path of a record, utilize getPath(). If you require the absolute path, including the root directory, use getAbsolutePath(). Understanding these differences will help you work effectively with file paths in Java.

Updated on: 31-Jul-2023


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