Difference Between getCanonicalPath() and getAbsolutePath() in Java

In Java, when managing with file paths and registries, there are two commonly utilized strategies: getCanonicalPath() and getAbsolutePath(). Whereas both strategies give data around the path of a file, they vary in terms of the comes about they return and the basic forms they take after. Understanding the contrast between these two strategies is significant for Java designers to guarantee the proper handling of file paths and avoid potential issues.


The syntax for the getCanonicalPath() method is as follows:

public String getCanonicalPath() throws IOException

The syntax for the getAbsolutePath() method is as follows:

public String getAbsolutePath()

Explanation of Syntax

getCanonicalPath(): The utilization of this procedure will ultimately yield the canonical form of a file's path. Specifically speaking, what this implies is that one will obtain an absolute pathname that won't contain any extraneous elements nor symbolic links. It may throw an IOException if an error occurs while resolving the canonical path.

getAbsolutePath(): This function returns the absolute path of the file encompassing any symbolic links or extraneous components. Exception is not thrown upon execution.

Approach 1: getCanonicalPath()

The getCanonicalPath() method provides a canonical form of the file's path by resolving any symbolic links and removing redundant elements. Here's the algorithm for approach 1:

  • Get the file object for which the canonical path needs to be determined.

  • Check if the file exists. If it doesn't, handle the appropriate exception or error.

  • Invoke the getCanonicalPath() method on the file object.

  • The method resolves any symbolic links and eliminates redundant elements in the path.

  • Return the canonical path as a string.


import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;

public class CanonicalPathExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      File file = new File("example.txt");

      try {
         String canonicalPath = file.getCanonicalPath();
         System.out.println("Canonical Path: " + canonicalPath);
      } catch (IOException e) {


Canonical Path: /home/cg/root/55537/example.txt

Explanation of the code in approach 1

The getCanonicalPath() method in Java is a powerful tool when it comes to working with file paths. It gives a canonical frame of the file's path by resolving any symbolic links and expelling redundant elements. But what does that mean precisely?

When we talk about symbolic links, we're referring to special records that act as pointers to other files or directories. These symbolic links can introduce complexity when dealing with file paths because they may point to different locations or even create loops. The getCanonicalPath() method resolves these symbolic links, ensuring that the returned path is the actual physical path to the file, without any indirection.

Additionally, the method also eliminates redundant elements from the path. Redundant elements are parts of the path that don't contribute any meaningful information, such as unnecessary "." or ".." segments. By removing these redundant elements, the canonical path becomes cleaner and more concise.

To utilize the getCanonicalPath() strategy, you begin with the need to create a File object representing the record you're fascinated by. At that point, you'll be able basically invoke the getCanonicalPath() strategy on that Record object. The method will internally resolve any symbolic links and eliminate redundant elements to provide you with a clean, absolute path to the file.

This will be particularly useful in scenarios where you would like to guarantee that you're working with the real physical way to record, regardless of any symbolic links or redundant elements that could be displayed. By utilizing the getCanonicalPath() strategy, you can avoid any confusion or potential issues that may emerge from working with symbolic links or excess path components.

Approach 2: getAbsolutePath()

The getAbsolutePath() method returns the absolute path of the file, including any symbolic links or redundant elements. Here's the algorithm for approach 2:

  • Get the file object for which the absolute path needs to be determined.

  • Check if the file exists. If it doesn't, handle the appropriate exception or error.

  • Invoke the getAbsolutePath() strategy on the record object.

  • The strategy returns the absolute path of the record as a string.

  • Return the absolute path.


import java.io.File;

public class AbsolutePathExample {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      File file = new File("example.txt");

      String absolutePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
      System.out.println("Absolute Path: " + absolutePath);


Absolute Path: /home/cg/root/49455/example.txt

Explanation of the code in approach 2

The getAbsolutePath() strategy in Java is another helpful instrument for getting data in almost record ways. Not at all like the getCanonicalPath() strategy, which settles typical joins and expels excess components, the getAbsolutePath() strategy basically returns the outright way of a record, counting any typical joins or excess components.

So, what is cruel to have an outright way? An outright way may be a total way from the root of the record framework to a particular record or registry. It incorporates all the fundamental data to find the record, such as the names of parent registries and the file's title itself. Symbolic links, on the off chance that show, are moreover included within the absolute path.

To utilize the getAbsolutePath() strategy, you wish to form a Record object representing the record you're curious about. Once you've got the File protest, you'll be able to conjure the getAbsolutePath() method on it, which can return a string speaking to the absolute path of the file.

The getAbsolutePath() strategy is valuable once you require the complete way to a record, notwithstanding any typical joins or repetitive components that will exist. It can be advantageous in scenarios where you would like to work with the record because it shows up within the record framework, without any adjustments or determination of typical joins.

It's critical to note that whereas the getAbsolutePath() strategy returns the outright way, it doesn't ensure that the way is canonical or free from typical joins or redundant elements. In the event that you particularly require a canonical way, destitute of typical joins and repetitive components, it's prescribed to utilize the getCanonicalPath() strategy instead.

In outline, the getAbsolutePath() strategy gives the outright way of a record, counting any typical joins or repetitive components, whereas the getCanonicalPath() strategy returns the canonical way, which is an outright way without typical joins or excess components. Choosing between these strategies depends on your particular prerequisites and whether you would like the way with or without typical joins and repetitive components.

Difference Between getCanonicalPath() and getAbsolutePath() in Java




Symbolic Links

Resolves symbolic links

Includes symbolic links

Redundant Elements

Eliminates redundant elements

Includes redundant elements

Exception Handling

Throws IOException

Does not throw exceptions

Canonical Form

Returns a canonical path

Does not guarantee canonical form

Absolute Path

Returns an absolute path

Returns an absolute path


In outline, the getCanonicalPath() and getAbsolutePath() strategies in Java give diverse data in almost record ways. The getCanonicalPath() strategy returns the canonical way, which is a supreme pathname without typical joins or repetitive components. On the other hand, the getAbsolutePath() strategy returns the supreme way, counting any typical joins or excess components. It's critical to select the fitting strategy based on the particular prerequisites of your application to guarantee redress. By understanding the contrast between these strategies and utilizing them fittingly, Java designers can successfully oversee record ways and maintain a strategic distance from potential pitfalls in their applications.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2023


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