Difference between Gas Turbine and Steam Turbine

A mechanical device which converts the kinetic energy of some fluid like steam, water, flue gas, etc. into rotational energy to perform work is called a turbine. Based on the source of rotation, the main types of the turbines are −

  • Steam turbine

  • Water turbine

  • Gas turbine

  • Wind turbine

In this article, we will discuss the differences between gas turbine and steam turbine on the basis of definition, components, size, cost, efficiency, etc. We also added a brief description of both gas turbine and steam turbine for your reference.

What is a Gas Turbine?

A gas turbine, also called combustion turbine, is a type of internal combustion engine in which burning of an air and gaseous fuel mixture produces hot gases to produce mechanical energy.

In a gas turbine, the air is taken from the atmosphere and is compressed by a compressor. Then, the compressed air is passed into the combustion chamber, where some gaseous fuel is combusted to further increase the temperature and pressure of the air. Now, this hot and pressurized air is made to flow over moving blades of the turbine, which causes rotation of the runner. In this process, the hot air expands and finally exhausted into the atmosphere.

The gas turbines are extensively used in gas turbine power plant to produce electricity. Some other uses of gas turbines are in powering aircrafts, gas compressors, etc.

What is a Steam Turbine?

A steam turbine is the one which extracts the thermal energy from a pressurized steam and converts it into rotational mechanical energy.

In case of steam turbine, the steam is produced in a boiler by utilizing the heat of coal or other fuel combustion, then this steam passed over the blades of the turbine to rotate it. After the rotation of the turbine, the steam gets condensed and exhausted from the turbine.

The steam turbine is one of the mostly used type of turbine in a number of power generating station to drive an electric generator. The turbines were also used in steam engines to produce driving power.

Difference between Gas Turbine and Steam Turbine

Both gas turbine and steam turbine are widely used in various power stations to drive generators for generating electricity. However, there are many significant differences between them that are highlighted in the following table −

Basis of Difference
Steam Turbine
Gas Turbine
The type of turbine which converts the thermal energy of steam into mechanical energy is known as steam turbine.The type of turbine which converts the heat energy of gas or mixture of gases into mechanical energy is called a gas turbine.
Working fluid
In steam turbine, the working fluid is the high-pressure steam.Gas turbine uses hot and compressed gas or mixture of gases as working fluid.
Main parts
The main parts of a steam turbine are low pressure turbine, intermediate pressure turbine, rotor and high pressure turbine.The main parts of a gas turbine are compressor, combustion chamber and power turbine.
There are two types of steam turbines viz. ‘impulse turbine’ and ‘reaction turbine’.Types of gas turbines are: ‘turbojet’, ‘turbofan’, ‘turboprop’, and ‘turboshaft’.
It is not easy to start a steam turbine and it also takes a lot of time to start.The starting of a gas turbine is easy and takes less time compared to steam turbine.
The steam turbines are bigger in size, hence requires larger installation area.The size of a gas turbine is comparatively small. Therefore, it needs less installation space.
Installation cost
As steam turbines are larger in size, hence these have high cost of installation area, transportation, labor, etc. which increases its overall installation cost.The installation cost of a gas turbine is relatively less than that of steam turbine.
The steam turbine has high efficiency.The efficiency of a gas turbine is relatively less.
Operating cost
The operating (or running) cost of a steam turbine comparatively high.The running cost of a gas turbine is low.
Control against the change in load
According to the change in load, the controlling of steam turbines is difficult and expensive.Gas turbines can be easily controlled with the change in load.
Need of water for operation
The operation of steam turbine requires water.The operation of gas turbine does not depend on the water supply.
Internal combustion
Steam turbine does not involve internal combustion of fuel.There is internal combustion of fuel in case of gas turbine.
Steam turbine executes water-based cycle, called Rankine cycle.Gas turbine executes energy creation from compressed air and fuel, called Brayton cycle or Joule cycle.
Steam turbines require more maintenance.The maintenance of a gas turbine is low.
Internal temperature
The internal temperature of a steam turbine is relatively low, is about 500 °C to 650 °C.The internal temperature of gas turbine higher than steam turbine, about 1500 °C.
Steam turbines are used in thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, etc.Gas turbines are widely used in gas turbine power stations, aircraft engines, etc.


We have described all the major differences between steam turbine and gas turbine in the above table. The most significant difference between the two is that the gas turbine uses hot gases as working fluid, while a steam turbine uses high pressure steam to produce the rotation of turbine.

Updated on: 21-Jul-2022

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