Difference between FTPS and SFTP

When it comes to secure file transfer protocols, two alternatives that regularly come up are FTPS and SFTP. Both protocols give a secure way to transfer files over a network, but they also vary in their fundamental technologies and implementation. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the FTPS and SFTP, investigating their similarities, contrasts, and utilize cases. FTPS can utilize a variety of verification strategies, counting username/password, X.509 client certificates, and Kerberos. SFTP is supported by the most advanced working frameworks, counting Windows, UNIX, and Linux. It is broadly utilized in venture situations for secure file transfers


An FTPS (File Transfer Protocol Secure) is a secure file transfer protocol that employs SSL/TLS encryption to protect information during transfer. FTPS could be a combination of the protocol FTP protocol and SSL/TLS encryption protocol, which makes it a secure elective to standard FTP. FTPS provides confirmation and information encryption, making it a prevalent choice for organizations that ought to transfer touchy information over a network, such as healthcare organizations, and government organizations.

FTPS employs two channels to transfer files −

A command channel and a data channel. FTPS can utilize either express or implicit SSL/TLS encryption. In express SSL/TLS encryption, the client demands a secure connection sometimes recently any information is transmitted. In verifiable SSL/TLS encryption, the client accepts that the association is as of now secure and begins transmitting information promptly.

It is backed by the most advanced FTP clients and servers and can be utilized on a wide run of stages, counting Windows, UNIX, and Linux.


SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol. It is a secure protocol for exchanging files over a network, and it is elective to other file transfer protocols such as FTP and FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS).

SFTP employs a single channel for both control and information transfer, with the SSH (Secure Shell) protocol giving encryption for both. This makes it more productive than FTPS, which needs partitioned channels for control and information transfer. SFTP encrypts information in travel, securing it from interference.

SFTP gives an extension of confirmation strategies, including username/password, public key confirmation, and Kerberos. Public key confirmation is the foremost secure strategy and is broadly utilized in endeavor/urgent/important situations.

SFTP employs one port (port 22) for both control and information transfer, making it less demanding to design firewalls than FTPS, which needs numerous ports.

In rundown, SFTP may be a secure protocol for exchanging files over a network that uses SSH for encryption and confirmation. It is more productive than FTPS, utilizes only one port, and offers an extent of verification strategies. SFTP is broadly utilized in venture situations for secure file transfers.

Differences between FTPS and SFTP

The differences are in the following table −

Basis of Difference




It supports multiple authentication strategies.

It uses SSH keys for authentication

Firewall support

It requires extra ports to be open for data transfer.

It can work with firewalls that permit SSH traffic.

Operating System support

FTPS is efficient for Windows, Unix, and Linux servers.

SFTP is also supported by Unix and Linux servers, but would not be natively supported by Windows


It is slower compared to SFTP due to the overhead of SSL/TLS encryption.

It is quicker compared to FTPS because it does not have the overhead of SSL/TLS encryption

Standards compliance

It is based on the FTP protocol, but not a standard protocol.

It is not based on FTP protocol, but a standard protocol (part of the SSH protocol suite).


In conclusion, both FTPS and SFTP give a secure way to transfer files over a network, but they contrast in their basic advances and usage. FTPS is an expansion of FTP that employments SSL/TLS encryption for secure file transfer, whereas SFTP employments/employs the SSH protocol for encryption and confirmation.

Eventually, the choice between FTPS and SFTP depends on your particular needs and environment. If you are as of now utilizing FTP and must include secure file transfer capabilities, FTPS may be the way to go. On the off chance, you are beginning from scratch or require a more present-day and proficient protocol, SFTP is worth considering

Irrespective of which protocol you select, it's critical to actualize solid security hones, such as utilizing solid passwords and encryption, and frequently checking your file transfers for any unauthorized get-to or suspicious action.

Updated on: 18-Jul-2023


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