Difference between Frontend and Backend Languages

Frontend and backend are the parts of web development. The processes done at the backend are not visible to the users. They only work on the frontend. There are many differences between the frontend and backend languages and development. In this article, we will look into the difference between frontend and backend languages. But before that, we should know in detail about frontend and backend.


The frontend is the visual aspect of a website or a webpage which is also known as the client-side of an application. Users work on the frontend by working on different components like text boxes, radio buttons, checkboxes, buttons, etc. to accomplish any task like searching submitting forms, etc.

Frontend Development

Programmers along with UI and UX designers work on the frontend of the website and make it easy so that users can use the website easily even if they do not have technical knowledge. A website can be static or dynamic depending on the usage. Static websites are the ones where users cannot take any action. One such example is the landing page. The features that frontend developers include in the website are −

  • Circles, symbols, arrows, etc.
  • Navigational design components
  • Animated GIFs
  • Graphics
  • Content management

Technologies used in Frontend

There are many technologies used to develop a frontend. These technologies include languages and tools to make a website or a user interface for a web application. First, we will start with the frontend languages.


HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and it is the most popular language that is used to develop a website. A webpage is written in HTML. A user can access a webpage with the help of a URL. HTML can be used to develop games and webpages.


CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet and many developers use it to add functionality to a web page or an application application. Different types of templates and elements are available in the CSS which help in making a fully functional website.


JavaScript is the most popular language that helps developers to make complicated websites. Developers can make interactive websites and apps with the help of this scripting language. JavaScript is fast and is capable to run on any browser.

Now we will talk about the frontend frameworks and libraries which help in developing unique applications and websites.


TezJS is considered as one of the fastest JavaScript frameworks which can be used to develop websites of the enterprise level. There is no compromise with UI or UX. Websites developed through this framework have fast performance. Rich interfaces can also be developed through this framework.


Angular is a framework that is based on Typescript. Google released Angular in 2010 and its latest version was released in 2016. It is an open-source framework and is used to create frontend user interfaces.


React.js is a JavaScript library which developers use to make different types of user interfaces as per the requirement. Facebook has developed the open-source framework so many users contributed in its development.


JQuery is a JavaScript library which makes event handling and HTML document manipulation easy. CSS and DOM can also be manipulated so that the functionality of the website can be improved.


Backend is the server side of the app and websites. Servers are computers whose job is to maintain databases. The backend helps in accessing data from servers and shows it on the frontend when requested. In the current scenario, all the websites are dynamic so content has to be released from the servers through the backend.

Backend Development

The code written for the backend is not available for the end user. The backend is used to store users' data at various locations so that it can be retrieved when needed. Some of the best backend tools where data can be stored are Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, etc.

Backend Technologies

There are many backend technologies which include languages and frameworks. Developers use them to develop the backend of a website which is used to retrieve data from the servers and databases. The languages and the frameworks used to develop the backend are discussed here in detail.


Besides frontend, JavaScript is also used to develop the backend with the help of NodeJS which is a runtime environment for the JavaScript. Developers can develop full-stack applications with the help of frontend and backend JavaScript.


Python is another language that is used for backend development. The language consists of development tools and frameworks, which are easy to learn. The syntax of the language is easy and people can also learn machine learning, scientific computing, and data analysis.


PHP is one of the oldest and most popular languages that is used for backend development. It is an open-source language that is used for developing server-side applications. The features that it includes are −

  • Quick loading times
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Cost-effective


C++ is a powerful language which can be used as a backend language in some of situations. You can use the language to develop network servers along with different types of server software applications.

Besides these languages, there are many frameworks which are used for backend development which we will discuss here.


Django is a Python framework which can be used for web designing. It is an open-source tool which can be used to develop websites which are connected to databases. These websites come with a lot of features. One of the main features of this language is that the code is less but has more reusability.


Laravel is a framework that is based on PHP. It uses MVC (Model View Controller) architecture which helps in the development of useful applications. A modular packing mechanism and dependency manager are included in the framework. Relational databases can be accessed with a variety of ways. Besides this, the framework also has application management and deployment tools.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is popular as Rails and it is a server-side web application framework. This framework also works on MVC and includes default database structures, web services, and webpages.

Difference between Frontend and Backend Languages

Backend and Frontend have a lot of differences which can be found in the table below −

Frontend Backend
Visual components are involved in the frontend development which can be accessed by the end-user Database and server implementations are created with the help of backend development
Languages included in the frontend development are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SASS Languages included in the backend development are Python, Ruby, PHP, and Java
Backend required for its working. It cannot work independently It can work independently with the usage of frontend
Frameworks that are used in frontend development are ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS, etc. Frameworks used in the backend development are Django, Laravel, Ruby


Frontend and backend development are beneficial for developing websites and web applications. Frontend uses the components that can be seen by the end-users and they can perform the actions accordingly. Backend development connects a website or a web application to a database which is used to store the data on the web server. Both these development helps in making dynamic websites with the help of different programming languages and frameworks.

Updated on: 03-Jul-2024
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