Difference between Frameworks and Programming Languages

Programming languages are used to write code to develop websites and applications. Framework is a platform on which different programming languages can work. Programming languages depend on syntax while frameworks deal with architecture. In this article, we will talk about the difference between Frameworks and Programming Languages.

Programming Languages

Software developers use different kinds of programming languages to develop an application. They have to use the syntax of a programming language to give instructions. These instructions let the computer know how to execute a code. The processor converts the code into machine language which is understood by computers. The output is later translated into human-readable language and then displayed on the screen.

Types of Programming Languages

There are different types of programming languages which include −

  • Object-oriented
  • Procedural
  • Functional

Object Oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming uses objects and the procedures associated with them to develop a program. Each object resembles some real-world thing and it has its own data and methods. This is a type of programming in which objects are used to organize the data. Classes are used to create different kinds of objects. These classes consist of the properties and actions of the object. Coding in an object-oriented language is easy and can be reused when needed.

Principles of Object-Oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming is based on four principles listed below −

  • The first principle is encapsulation which helps in hiding the information so that only methods of an object can access it.
  • Inheritance is the second principle which helps in inheriting the properties and behavior of a class.
  • The third principle is polymorphism in which many forms of an object can be created.
  • Abstraction is the fourth principle which helps in hiding information in such a way that only essential details are displayed.

Languages used for Object Oriented Programming

The languages that follow the principles of object-oriented programming are as follows −

Procedural Programming

Procedural programming is a way of programming in which a list of instructions is created which the computer has to execute. These instructions are called procedures and functions or subroutines are used to organize them.

Programmers have to think about the type of output that they need and then write the instructions accordingly. A top-down approach is followed by these languages. Programmers have to write the instructions in the correct sequence so that the correct output can be displayed.

Languages used in Procedural programming

The languages which are used for procedural programming include −

Functional Programming Languages

Functional programming is a type of programming that depends on mathematical calculations. Self-contained functions are used to write the code. These functions have the ability to take the input and then display the output.

Languages used in Functional Programming

The languages used in functional programming are listed below −


Frameworks are used by developers to design applications on the basis of the templates in which the code is already written. A framework consists of libraries which include different types of functions. These libraries help in the simplification of the syntax of any language which was used to develop the template. Developers can save their time as they do not have to write the code from scratch.

Types of Frameworks

Frameworks are of different types and we will discuss them here in detail −

Web Application Frameworks

This is a software framework which is used to simplify the development of websites and web applications. Coders have to follow a structure given in this framework which is used for almost all types of applications. The framework also consists of the code for different web applications. Here is a list of frameworks that is used to develop web applications −

Framework to develop mobile applications

Cross-platform applications are very useful as they are developed once and can be installed on any platform. Mobile frameworks help in the development of mobile applications. These frameworks consist of the code related to the common tasks which are used in most of the mobile apps. The frameworks that are used to develop mobile applications are listed below −

Frameworks for Machine Learning and Data Science

Many frameworks are being used currently for machine learning and data science. These frameworks have their own advantages and professionals have to choose the ones which are beneficial. Some of the popular frameworks are listed below −

DevOps Frameworks

DevOps practices can be implemented with the help of different frameworks which are listed below.

Difference between Frameworks and Programming Languages

There are many differences between frameworks and programming languages and we will look into some of them in the table below −

Frameworks Programming Languages
Frameworks are the architecture that already includes some of the code that is used in the development of an application. Developers have to write the code from scratch to develop an application.
Templates are present to develop applications. No templates are available to develop an application
These frameworks can be used by beginners or expert programmers to write applications. Programming languages have to be used by advanced programmers.
Little knowledge of syntax is needed Full knowledge of syntax is needed
Frameworks depend on the type of applications to be developed like mobile applications, web applications, etc. Programming languages depend on procedures, functions, and objects.


Frameworks and programming languages are very useful in software development. Frameworks consist of templates where most of the code is already written. Programmers only have to add a few lines of code to include functionalities in an app. The code in the programming languages has to be written from scratch which consumes a lot of time. Both of them are beneficial for software developers.

FAQs Frameworks Vs. Programming Languages

FAQ 1. Are programming languages and frameworks same?

No! Programming languages and frameworks are not same. Programming languages include a set of instructions to write a program while frameworks are the architecture which helps in the implementation of commands of a programming language.

FAQ 2. Does the framework require syntax and rules?

No! Syntax and rules are needed by the programming languages to write and execute a program.

FAQ 3. What are the different types of programming languages?

Programming languages are of three types which include −

  • Object-oriented
  • Functional
  • Procedural

FAQ 4. Which framework is used for Java programming?

Spring framework is popular for Java programming.

Updated on: 05-Jul-2024
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