Difference Between Fast Metabolism and Slow Metabolism

Metabolism is a term that refers to the set of chemical reactions that occur in the body to convert food into energy. The rate of metabolism, or the speed at which these reactions occur, can vary from person to person and can be influenced by various factors such as age, gender, genetics, body composition, and lifestyle habits. Two commonly used terms to describe this variation are fast metabolism and slow metabolism.

What is Fast Metabolism?

Fast metabolism refers to a person who has a high rate of metabolism, meaning that their body converts food into energy quickly and efficiently. This type of metabolism allows people with fast metabolism to consume more food without gaining weight easily. They are able to burn calories at a faster rate and tend to have a lean body type. People with fast metabolism tend to have high levels of physical activity, and often have higher levels of energy and endurance.

What is Slow Metabolism?

Slow metabolism refers to a person who has a low rate of metabolism, meaning that their body converts food into energy slowly. This type of metabolism makes it difficult for people with slow metabolism to lose weight, as they tend to store excess calories as fat. People with slow metabolism often have a higher body fat percentage and may struggle with weight management. They tend to have low levels of physical activity, which can contribute to low energy levels and feelings of sluggishness.

Differences: Fast Metabolism and Slow Metabolism

Several factors can contribute to a person’s metabolic rate, including genetics, age, body composition, and lifestyle habits. For example, genetics can play a role in determining whether a person has a fast or slow metabolism, as some people may inherit a tendency for a slower metabolism from their parents. Age can also affect metabolism, as metabolism tends to slow down as a person gets older.

Body composition, specifically the amount of muscle mass a person has, can also play a role in metabolism. Muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue, so people with more muscle mass tend to have a faster metabolism.

Lifestyle habits, such as diet and physical activity, can also have a significant impact on metabolism. People who consume a diet high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats tend to have slower metabolism, while those who eat a diet rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats tend to have a faster metabolism. Regular physical activity, such as exercise and movement, can also help to boost metabolism, as it requires the body to use energy to perform.

The following table highlights the major differences between Fast Metabolism and Slow Metabolism −


Fast Metabolism

Slow Metabolism


A fast metabolism is when catabolic reactions in which substances are broken down, proceed rapidly.

A slow metabolism is when the breakdown of substances occurs at a slow pace, and energy is provided slowly to the cells.


Catabolism is rapid in the case of a fast metabolism.

Catabolism is slower in cases of slow metabolism.

Causes in humans

In people, an unusually fast metabolism can be caused by stimulant drugs or by having the disorder hyperthyroidism.

In people, an unusually slow metabolism can be due to the effect of drugs such as anti-seizure medication, due to ageing, or due to hypothyroidism.

Signs in humans

People who have an unusually fast metabolism have symptoms such as weight loss and a rapid heart rate.

People with unusually slow metabolism tend to gain weight and they also may show signs such as brittle and dry hair and feel slowed down and sluggish.

Animal example

Animals that have a naturally fast metabolism include mice and hummingbirds.

Animals that are known to have a naturally slow metabolism include elephants.

Size of mammals with each type of metabolism

Small mammals tend to have a fast metabolism.

Large mammals tend to have slow metabolism.


The difference between fast metabolism and slow metabolism is largely determined by the rate at which the body converts food into energy. People with fast metabolism tend to have a lean body type, high levels of physical activity, and high energy levels, while those with a slow metabolism tend to struggle with weight management, have lower levels of physical activity, and may experience low energy levels. However, lifestyle habits such as diet and physical activity can play a significant role in determining a person’s metabolism and can be modified to improve metabolic health.

Updated on: 06-Apr-2023


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