Difference Between Erosion and Corrosion


The primary distinction between erosion as well as corrosion is that erosion relates to a physical change in matter, while corrosion refers to a chemical change in matter.

Both erosions but also corrosion are natural processes with varying effects on the surfaces they interact with. Although erosion transports tiny rocks including pebbles to new locations, corrosion alters the chemical makeup of objects by causing differences in the composition of the area in which it occurs. Most often, people mix erosion with corrosion, unable to distinguish between the 2 natural processes since they share similarities.

What is Erosion?

This is a physiological process that occurs when tiny bits of rock migrate due to gravity as well as a natural agent such as water, winds, or melting ice. It is a superficial procedure. This process transports rock, soil or dissolving substances from 1 region on Earth's crust to another region. It is an organic but dynamic phenomenon. Snow, water, animals, air, plants, ice, and even people can all be erosive agents. They can carry particles hundreds of centimetres or thousands of kilometres. Coastal erosion by sea waves, rainfall, bedrock in rivers, wind abrasion, floods including other factors can all influence the pace of erosion. Though this is a natural process, humans have a significant impact on it.

Give examples

  • Flowing water carves out caves over thousands of years, but carbonic acid in the water accelerates the process.

  • Creek, as well as river banks, erode throughout time as water flows by, taking material away but also depositing it elsewhere.

  • Rocks may erode owing to nothing from strong solar radiation, a process called exfoliation.

  • The force of gravity dragging on a segment of rock, earth, or land on a steep gradient, such as a mountain, cliff, or hillside, can cause erosion.

  • The action of waves hitting the beach can produce coast erosion, particularly during hurricanes or storms.

How to prevent Erosion?

  • Baffles and Barriers are equipment that can aid to delay the stream of water or redirect it from immediately running downhill, causing erosion. It is a partially submerged stone or even wood structure put parallel to the slope.

  • Riprap is to slow as well as deflect the stream of water. To reduce damage, this method employs rough, loose rock on an elevation slope. Granite is commonly utilised, which is six to eight inches broad. The boulder is either lodged or strewn freely on the slope.

  • Terrance - This is the procedure of constructing a stairway up the slope. Plants can be placed between the stages in each tier. It is designed so that water does not flow off but instead soaks into the earth. The wall can be constructed from wood, rock, cement, or precast concrete block.

  • Plants - Using plants to help minimise erosion on slopes is an excellent yet natural choice. Roots are natural means to hold and secure the soil.

  • Turf grass - It is the finest soil erosion protection. Grass, with its large root system, serves to keep the soil together. The roots contain up to 90 percent of the weight of a plant.

What is Corrosion?

It is a chemical process under which the chemical constitution of the surface changes due to the action of oxygen (𝑂) in the existence of moisture. It is a surface phenomenon, just like erosion. Conversion of refined metals into more stable forms such as oxides is part of the process. Even so, it causes the metal to deteriorate gradually. Chemical plus electrochemical processes are involved.

Corrosive substances like oxygen and sulphates can start corrosion. This may happen in ceramics, polymers, and other materials other than metals. Additionally, this process can degrade critical material qualities such as structure, strength, appearance, and so on. Metals usually erode when exposed to moisture in the air. Passivation but also chromate conversion is two of the most prevalent strategies for preventing corrosion on a surface.

Give examples

  • Silver tarnishing

  • $\mathrm{2Ag\:+\:H_{2}S\rightarrow\:Ag_{2}S\:+\:H_{2}(black\:coating)}$

  • copper(𝐢𝑒), are coated with a green deposit.

  • $\mathrm{Cu\:+\:H_{2}O\:+\:O_{2}\rightarrow\:Cu(OH)_{2}\:+\:CuCO_{3}(green\:coating)}$

  • The surface of the aluminium (𝐴𝑙) gets drab or even loses its lustre.

How to prevent Corrosion?

  • Painting- βˆ’ Painting iron (𝐹𝑒) products such as rails, gates, and so on prevents metal from being exposed to water plus air. Thus, painting materials prevent rusting.

  • Oiling as well as greasing βˆ’ This thing like painting, provide a protective layer on the metal surface that preserve it from corrosion.

  • Galvanisation is the technique of applying a thin protective coating of zinc to iron (𝐹𝑒). Even if the zinc coating is damaged, the galvanised goods are still protected against corrosion.

  • Alloying βˆ’ is the homogenous combination of 1 or more metals and nonmetals. We can get the necessary metal characteristics by alloying. Iron (𝐹𝑒) is a very useful metal, but it rusts fast.

Difference between Erosion and Corrosion

Erosion Corrosion
It is the process wherein the upper layerof soil is eroded by natural phenomena. It is the breakdown of a metal surface caused by gaseous gases such as sulphur dioxide (𝑆𝑂2), oxygen (𝑂) , and carbon dioxide (𝐢𝑂2).
It is a natural occurrence. It is a chemical reaction. Due to oxidation processes, it is more common in metals higher in the reactive series.
It is induced by βˆ’ Deforestation Overgrazing Agriculture application Shifting Cultivation Urbanisation Climate Change Rainfall of great intensity It is induced by the following factors βˆ’ High-Temperature Acid Rain Metal reactions with gases such as carbondioxide (𝐢𝑂2), oxygen (𝑂), and sulphur dioxide (𝑆𝑂2), among others. Impurity-containing metals, such as sodium chloride (π‘π‘ŽπΆπ‘™).
Erosion steps include dissolution, transit, but also weathering Corrosion steps include galvanic and crevice corrosion.
Pollution, poor water quality, structural problems in the land, deforestation, floods, and soil deterioration, as well as other, are effects of erosion It causes material deterioration as well as degradation of critical material attributes such as structure, strength, including appearance.


These both processes are fundamental natural processes that we see in our daily lives. Erosion is nothing more than the motion of the particles. Climate, terrain, plus plant cover all influence erosion. It is a natural process through which material is moved from 1 location to another. Natural factors act as agents of erosion. It is a bodily procedure. Corrosion is a chemical process of transforming an actual component. It corrodes, changing the chemical makeup of the component. It is an electrochemical reaction. The oxidation state of the substance changes.


1. What are the Different Types of Corrosion?

Pitting, Uniform, Galvanic, Crevice, Intergranular, Stress Corrosion Cracking, Erosion and Dealloying are some of the several forms of corrosion.

2. Describe the many forms of erosion?

Soil erosion, temperature, wind erosion, glacier erosion, water erosion as well as land erosion are all examples of erosion.

3. What do you mean by the word "soil mulching"?

Mulching soil is the process of coating the soil with inorganic or organic substances to avoid soil erosion but also make the soil rich as well as conducive to plant development. Organic materials such as straws, wood chips, twigs, dust, stones, and so on. Rubber and plastic are examples of inorganic substances.

4. What is the difference between sheet versus gully erosion?

Sheet Erosion - In this type of erosion, wind activity removes loosely connected soil particles from the topsoil in the shape of sheets and layers. It is sometimes referred to as reel erosion.

Gully Erosion - Gully erosion is the erosion of a piece of soil that leaves behind a structure such as drain lines.

5. Distinguish splash erosion from scalding.

Splash Erosion - This form of erosion is generated by raindrops exerting power on the soil, which disrupts the crump of dirt but further erodes the surface. As a result, raindrop erosion is another name for this form of erosion.

Scalding- It occurs when a vast area of land is eroded by wind activity, leaving the ground saline.

Updated on: 29-Jan-2024


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