Difference between Electrolytic Cell and Electrochemical Cell

A cell is a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy and vice-versa. The behavior of the cells is studied in a branch of chemistry called electrochemistry, where we learn about the relation between the movement of electrons in a system and the chemical processes take place in the system. These chemical processes can produce electricity. The system in which chemical energy is converted into electricity and vice-versa is called a cell.

The cells are classified into two major types namely −

  • Electrochemical cell
  • Electrolytic cell

In this article, we will highlight how electrolytic cells are different from electrochemical cells. Let's start with a basic understanding of what these two types of cells are so that it becomes easier to understand how they are different from each other.

What is an Electrolytic Cell?

An electrolytic cell is the one in which the electrical energy is converted into chemical energy. Therefore, an electrolytic cell receives electrical energy from an outside source to perform a nonspontaneous chemical reaction.

The electrolytic cell typically consists two solid metal electrodes namely anode and cathode that are connected to an external source of electricity. At the anode, the oxidation reaction takes place, while a reduction reaction takes place at the cathode. Therefore, in an electrolytic cell, the anode is the positive terminal and the cathode is the negative terminal. The electrolytic cells are extensively used in various electrolytic processes for electrolysis of compounds.

What is an Electrochemical Cell?

A type of cell in which the chemical energy is converted into electrical energy is called an electrochemical cell. The electrochemical cell produces the electricity as a result of a spontaneous chemical reactions.

A typical electrochemical cell composed of two half cells and in these half cells two different chemical reactions namely oxidation and reduction take place. Due to these chemical reactions, a potential difference between two half cells is created. Just like an electrolytic cell, an electrochemical cell also has two electrodes namely anode and cathode, but here the anode will be the negative electrode and the cathode will be the positive electrode.

The electrochemical cells are used for supplying electrical energy to an external circuit such as a battery.

Difference between Electrochemical Cell and Electrolytic Cell

The following table highlights the key differences between an electrolytic cell and an electrochemical cell −

Basis of Difference Electrochemical Cell Electrolytic Cell
Definition An electrochemical cell in which produces electricity as a result of chemical reactions is called an electrochemical cell. An electrochemical cell in which electrical energy is converted into chemical energy is called an electrolytic cell.
Anode The anode of the electrochemical cell is the negative electrode. The anode of the electrolytic cell is the positive electrode.
Cathode The cathode of the electrochemical cell is positive. The cathode of the electrolytic cell is negative.
Current direction In electrochemical cell, the current flows from cell to external circuit. In electrolytic cell, the current flows from external circuit to cell.
Chemical reaction In electrochemical cell, a spontaneous chemical reaction occurs to produce electricity. In electrolytic cell, a nonspontaneous chemical reaction takes place.
Construction The construction of an electrochemical cell is in the form two half-cells. The complete cell is assembled in a single cell container.
Energy conversion In electrochemical cell, chemical energy is converted into electrical energy In electrolytic cell, electrical energy is converted into chemical energy.
Need of external power source Electrochemical cells do not require external source of supply. External power supply is required in an electrolytic cell.
Movement of electrons In electrochemical cell, the electrons flow from anode to cathode through the external circuit. In electrolytic cell, the external battery supplies the electrons that go in through cathode and come out through anode.
Uses Electrochemical cells are used as source of electricity such as battery. Electrolytic cells are used in electrolysis of compounds.


The most significant difference between an electrolytic cell and an electrochemical cell is that an electrolytic cell converts electrical energy into chemical energy, whereas an electrochemical cell converts chemical energy into electrical energy.

Updated on: 22-Aug-2022

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