Difference between EBGP and IBGP

EBGP and IBGP are two protocols utilized in BGP routing. They are utilized to trade routing information between switches in numerous independent frameworks and inside the same AS, individually. Whereas both protocols have the same goal of exchanging routing information, they contrast in their reason, relationship, jump check, next-hop behavior, administrative value, configuration, joining time, scaling, way control, and synchronization

This article aims to provide a comprehensive table that highlights the key contrasts between EBGP and IBGP. By understanding the contrasts between these two protocols, organize engineers and administrators can make choices about which protocol to utilize in totally different scenarios. They can moreover troubleshoot issues that emerge in BGP systems and optimize organize performance by utilizing the correct protocol.


EBGP stands for External Border Gateway Protocol. It may be a protocol utilized in BGP (Border Gateway Protocol). An autonomous system is a collection of interconnected systems worked by a single organization, and autonomous systems are relegated to one-of-a-kind identification numbers known as AS numbers (ASN).

EBGP is used by routers that are found in several independent frameworks to trade data almost the leading paths to reach certain network destinations. When a router in one AS learns almost a network goal in another because it promotes this data to its neighboring router(s) in the same AS utilizing the EBGP protocol. This data is at that point engendered all through the AS utilizing the IBGP (Internal Border Gateway Protocol) protocol.

EBGP trades routing information between diverse autonomous systems based on several factors, counting the number of jumps required to reach a networking goal, the reliability, and capacity of the joins between autonomous systems, and the regulatory inclinations of the autonomous systems included. This data is utilized to decide the leading way for routing activity between distinctive systems on the web.

It requires manual setup and includes a longer convergence time compared to IBGP, Be that as it may, EBGP is more versatile than IBGP and can handle bigger systems.


IBGP stands for Internal Border Gateway Protocol. It is a protocol used in BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) routing to exchange routing information within the same autonomous system (AS).

Autonomous systems are assigned one-of-a-kind identification numbers known as AS numbers (ASN). This data is utilized to overhaul the routing tables on each router inside the AS.

Unlike EBGP, which changes the next-hop address to its IP address, IBGP does not adjust the next-hop address. In step, IBGP depends on the underlying IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol) to forward bundles to the next-hop router.

IBGP requires manual configuration, but it features a shorter merging time compared to EBGP since it is utilized inside a smaller space. IBGP too contains a lower administrative value for the courses learned compared to courses learned through EBGP.

Differences between EBGP and IBGP

The differences are in the following table −

Basis of Difference




EBGP is utilized to trade routing information between diverse Autonomous systems.

IBGP is utilized to trade routing data inside the same Autonomous systems.


It does not require synchronization

It requires synchronization.

Data transmission

In EBGP, it is used to trade routing information between diverse autonomous systems on the web.

In IBGP, routers inside the same AS trade data are almost the finest ways to reach organized goals inside the same AS.


EBGP is ordinarily utilized in large-scale systems, where numerous autonomous systems got to exchange routing information.

IBGP is ordinarily utilized in small-scale systems, where all routers are found inside the same because it permits routers inside the AS to share routing information and make more informed routing decisions.

Convergence time

Longer joining time due to hop count.

Shorter merging time due to little/smaller domain size.


In conclusion, EBGP and IBGP are two protocols utilized in BGP routing that serve different purposes. Whereas EBGP is utilized to trade routing information between distinctive autonomous systems (ASes) on the web, IBGP is utilized to trade routing information within the same AS. There are a few key contrasts between these two protocols, counting their relationship, hop count, next-hop behavior, regulatory value, setup, meeting time, scaling, way manipulation, and synchronization.

Understanding these contrasts is imperative for arranging engineers and directors who have to plan and oversee BGP systems. Choosing the suitable convention for a given organization depends on the estimate and complexity of the organization, as well as the objectives and prerequisites of the organization.

Updated on: 18-Jul-2023


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