Difference between Dual Core and Octa Core Processors

In computers and any other computing device, the processor is the most significant component of the system as it performs the most crucial task, i.e. processing. These days, we have several types of processors such as single core processor, dual core processor, quad processors, hexa core processor, octa core processor, etc.

To understand the meaning of “core” in processor, consider the example of a highway with heavy traffic. If the highway have only one-way mode, then all the vehicles should pass one by one in a queue. Therefore, the taken to reach the destination by a vehicle will be more. Now, if we made the highway to have two-way mode. Then, the vehicles will reach to their destination in less time as compared to the highway with one-way mode. This is because multiple vehicles can travel parallel on the road.

The same thing happens in the case of processors. In the case of a processor, the core is analogous to highway road mode (one-way, two-way, etc.) and vehicle is analogous to data processing. If we increase the number of cores in a processor, it can work on multiple tasks at the same time, and hence improves the system performance and speed.

In this article, we will discuss the important differences between dual core and octa core processors. But before that, let us understand a bit about their basics.

What is a Dual Core Processor?

The terms “dual” denotes two. Therefore, a processor that has two cores to process and transmit data is called a dual core processor. In other words, a dual core processor is one that comprises of two flawless administrator cores on one physical processor. This means two CPU cores are integrated into a single IC chip.

Each core acts like a standalone processing part that can accomplish a single task at a time. Therefore, dual core processor can process data at a faster rate as it has two cores. This is because the dual core processor allows executing more than one task at a time.

What is an Octa Core Processor?

Octa means Eight. Therefore, a processor that has eight CPU cores is called an octa core processor. In the octa core processor, these eight cores are arranged in two sets of four processor cores. Hence, each set can perform the function of a quad-core processing system. An octa core processor having large number of processors core give high speed data processing and performance as compared to any other processor with less number of cores.

In an octa core processor, there are eight cores, each of them acts like a standalone processing unit. Hence, the octacore processor allows multitasking feature by dividing computational tasks among all the eight cores.

After getting insights into the basics of dual core processor and octa core processors, let us now discuss the important differences between them.

Difference between Dual Core and Octa Core Processor

The important differences between dual core processor and octa core processor are listed in the following table


Dual Core Processor

Octa Core Processor

Basic description

A processor which has two standalone processor cores is called a dual core processor.

A processor that has eight standalone processor cores is called an octa core processor.

Number of cores or data lines

Dual core processor has two processing cores.

Octa core processor has eight processing cores.

Processing speed

Dual core processor is relatively less powerful in terms of speed due to only two cores.

Octa core processor is faster as it has eight cores.


Dual core processor does not support heavy multitasking like an octa core processor.

Octa core processor is mainly designed for heavy multitasking.

Core arrangement

In dual core processor, the two independent processing cores are provided and each of them functions like a single processing part.

In octa core processor, the eight cores are arranged in two sets. Each set works as a quad core processing system.


Dual core processor provides good performance.

Octa core processor provides enhanced performance.

Heat generation

In dual core processors heat generation is less.

In octa core processors heat generation is relatively high.

Graphics application compatibility

Dual core processors are not designed to run heavy graphics applications.

Octa core processors can run heavy graphics applications smoothly.

Power consumption

Dual core processor consumes less power.

Octa core processor consumes relatively more power.


Dual core processors are suitable to use in systems used for office works like word processing, spreadsheets, basic graphics related work, etc.

Octa core processors are used to execute heavy tasks like VFX, gaming, 3D animation, video editing, heavy graphic designing, etc.


In conclusion, a dual core processor has two processing cores that functions as two independent processing elements. On the other hand, an octa core processor has eight processing cores in the form of two groups each of four cores. These two sets of four cores can work independently to perform multitasking.

Updated on: 27-Mar-2023

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