Difference between Dropbox and Mega

File hosting services provided by third-party vendors allow users to store, share and synchronize the data of various file formats over a connected network. User files uploaded into the cloud server can be accessed by any user device like laptops, tablets, iPhones, and Android phones that are connected to the internet with a proper login and authentication process. Individual and business organizations use online cloud services for personal and professional tasks. Listed below are a few popular file-hosting services −

  • Amazon Drive

  • Google Drive

  • Dropbox

  • iCloud

  • MediaFire

  • Oracle Cloud

  • Microsoft OneDrive

  • Mega


Dropbox allows users to set up a folder on their computer and this folder is synchronized to a cloud server. These synchronized folders can be accessed from any of the devices. This file hosting service is popular as it offers a synchronization to folders and has sharing options for other users also. Once the user loads the file to the folder created in the drop box, he/she can make a backup of the same for easy accessing through mobile, laptops, etc.

Easy sharing options are given to the user so they can share their data with other users or co-workers in an organization along with access permissions. When the file synchronized to the drop box gets deleted, it is recoverable within 30 days for basic users, and for plus users they can recover it until a year.

It is operated by an American company called Dropbox Inc. This cloud storage was initiated by two MIT students Arash and Drew Houston in May 2007 its headquarters is located in San Francisco, USA.

It provides free storage space of 2GB with basic features and has subscription plans for business and personal use. It supports desktop applications for Windows, Linux, and MacOS and mobile applications for Android, iOS, and tablets. Dropbox servers and applications were written using Python and the website is designed later with JavaScript and then reframed with Coffee Script.

Dropbox uses SSL encryption methods to store and transmit users’ data but does not provide end-to-end encryption to the users and keys to decrypt are available with the Dropbox team, these keys are not shared with the drop box users.


Mega, cloud storage was launched by Kim Dotcom in the year 2013 and provides file-sharing services for web applications and also supports mobile applications for Android and iOS devices which allows users to store and share data. Users can communicate with other Mega users and outside users for file sharing, chat features, and online meetings throughout the platform securely. It offers free storage space for 20GB and is extendable up to 16TB for paid users. Private keys are shared between sender and receiver with zero knowledge end to end encryption techniques to access the data stored in the cloud. It was designed using Java, C++, JavaScript, and Objective C.

Basis of difference Dropbox Mega


It was developed in May 2007 by Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi, currently owned by Dropbox Inc, USA.

It was developed by the company MEGA Limited in January 2013 and Kim Dot Com initiated this project.

Storage area

It provides 2GB of free storage and can be extended up to 5TB for paid subscriptions.

It has free storage space for 20GB+5GB as a free trial pack and supports up to 16TB for paid subscribers.

File size

It offers a maximum of 100MB for free and supports 100GB for professional plans.

Paid users are provided with a size range of 400GB to 16TB per month.


It provides standard and document features for a growing team with 3 users with 5TB of storage.

Advanced features are given to complex teams with 3 users and storage space is provided as per team needs.

Pro users can enjoy the maximum rate with 16TB of storage + transfer.

Security methods

No end-to-end encryption and encryption keys are not shared with the users.

End-to-end encryption is given to the users. 2048-bit RSA algorithm is used for encrypting and decrypting private or public keys.

File sharing and synchronization

A synchronization folder is created to share all the user files to the cloud and it can be shared with other users without any key encryption methods.

Any file or folder in the user device can be synchronized to cloud storage and can be shared with the contacts with proper encryption policies.

File versioning support

Supports up to a certain level or in partial.

Full support in file versioning.


Dropbox will be a better option if the user performs simple operations on the files that are synchronized to the applications and sharing is easier for other users, but we cannot store any confidential data in the cloud. Mega provides huge storage space for an affordable price which may be beneficial among business users and also secures data with high-end encryption techniques.

Updated on: 17-May-2023


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