Difference between Domain and Server

In terms of networking domain and server are related to one another, where both hold a group of nodes to store and share the data with the users. Consider domain in terms of the website and hosting service where a user wants to access a particular webpage using a network connection, then a specific URL has to be typed in the search bar to access the needed information. Once a website gets hosted successfully on the server, then an address will be provided for accessing it, this address is called a domain name or address. In simple terms, web hosting is the actual house where website information is stored and the domain is the address pointing to the house. Server stores all the data to manage and control them as per client or user request. It provides network services to the client or other devices connected to it.


Domain in networking can be in any form such as nodes, devices, database servers, IoT devices, etc. All these domains are used for sharing information with the user based on the request made from the device through a network connection. In terms of the website, a domain contains a name given to the user when registering a website. Each domain consists of a network of computer devices that are controlled by a domain controller to perform its functions.

The domain controller acts as a server that automates login status, group information of users, and architecture of each subdomain, by this automation, no manual coding is required to store all this information on each host present in the domain. They also function to provide Domain name system servers to the user devices. It manages authentication and access rights to the resources. These interact with the directory services that are called database store which organizes the data related to objects, resources, devices, etc. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is used for authentication and querying purposes by the directory services.

Network domains have various architecture and size based on the environment where it has to be used for. Single network domain can be used by smaller companies, here all the employees can access needed devices that are managed by device controllers whereas multiple domains are required by larger organizations where each subdomain has its services to perform.


A server is a software or a computer program that functions to deliver its services to other devices or clients over the internet or within a local area network. This works with client-server architecture, where the server sends the required information or services to the client devices based on the request obtained from it.

It provides various functionalities to users in terms of sharing resources or doing some computations for the client devices. The client program can be present on the same machine where the server program exists or can be connected through a network connection to the server device.

Consider an example, where a user sets up a server device to manage and control network access, print pages, host a website, and for sending/receive e-mail. All these functions are done at the server end by combining them with other web servers like FTP, DNS, and e-mail servers.

The table below defines the major differences between domain and server −

Basis of difference




The domain contains a collection of network devices it can be disk space, printer, or any hardware devices.

The server is connected to the domain with client and server architecture or any other devices over the network.


Domain shares the needed data with other devices. It functions to manage and control authentication and access rights to resources.

It provides data needed for the client based on the request obtained to the server device or program.


The domain can be identified using the domain name that is provided to the user during the registration process.

It can be software or any program that provides resources to other devices as per request.


Network domains are connected to devices that need resources from the domain system.

Client-server architecture connects the devices to the server using the Internet or within the local area network.


It may not have a physical presence as they are stored in the servers.

It can be any software or hardware device that may physically exist and be connected with switches and other networking devices.


The domain may contain subdomains based on single or multi-level implementations.

Servers can vary based on usage types like Web servers, proxy servers, database servers, mail servers, proxy servers, dedicated servers, application servers, etc.


Domain has a group of devices, file servers, or any server systems that share the data among the devices connected to them. All the basic functionalities, security permissions, and access rights are managed by the device controller. Any device that shares the resources can act as a server system that satisfies the client`s request.

Updated on: 17-May-2023

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