Difference between Diagnosing and Troubleshooting in Computers

Diagnosing and Troubleshooting can be carried out using a set of tools and techniques. You can analyze the issues, utilizing tools like "system logs" and "event observers" to determine the root cause of the problem. In addition, there are unique tools like "clunk" and "traceroute" to locate the issues.

The greatest strategy for solving a problem is to attempt a diagnosis first. Finding a remedy will be considerably simpler if the problem's root cause can be determined. However, troubleshooting will be necessary, if you are unable to pinpoint the issue's root cause.

Troubleshooting can be a very time-consuming process, so it is always best to try and diagnose the problem first. However, if you cannot find a solution through diagnosis, then troubleshooting may be your only option.

Read this article to find out more about Diagnosing and Troubleshooting in Computers and how they are different from each other.

What is Diagnosing in Computers?

Diagnostics and troubleshooting are two very different processes when it comes to computers. Problem-solving techniques are known as troubleshooting. On the other side, diagnosing is the process of figuring out what brought about an issue.

Typically, diagnosing an issue is considerably simpler than trying to solve it. This is due to the fact that diagnosis typically entails applying reasoning to determine the primary source of a problem, whereas troubleshooting frequently necessitates trial and error.

Computer issues can be diagnosed using a wide range of instruments and methods. Running tests, looking through log files, and studying system performance data are a few typical techniques.

What is Troubleshooting in Computers?

The process of locating and fixing issues with computer hardware, software, or other computing systems is known as troubleshooting in the computer industry. Either manually or automatically can be done. Manual troubleshooting entails the use of tools and procedures to locate and fix issues. Automated troubleshooting makes use of software to find and fix issues.

When you find an issue in your computer, you will try to identify its cause. By looking at the error messages, log, or the other information which helps you to assist to understand the root cause of the issue. On the other hand, troubleshooting focuses more on identifying a workaround or solution to the issue. Trial and error or applying well-known fixes for issues comparable to yours can be used to accomplish this.

Diagnosing an issue, as opposed to troubleshooting, normally requires superior technical knowledge. Here you need to understand actually how to computer works to identify the cause of the problem. Diagnosing an issue takes time because first you need to collect the data and need to analyze it to find the root reason for the problem. In contrast, one can troubleshoot an issue with some basic knowledge of how a computer system works.

Diagnosing vs Troubleshooting in Computers

Generally, diagnosing is mostly done by computer specialists, while troubleshooting can be done by anyone with a basic knowledge of computers.

Finally, the procedures and tools of diagnostic are more complex than those used for the troubleshooting, they are designed to find the serious issues which are in the computer. If you think, if you have the serious problem then it is recommended to take the help of the professional computer specialist.

Differences between the Diagnosing and Troubleshooting in Computers

The following table highlights the major differences between Diagnosing and Troubleshooting in Computers −



Troubleshooting in Computers


Requires an understanding of how the system works

Does not require an understanding of how the system works


Identifies root cause of problem

Finds solution to problem


Is often done by experienced professionals, because we must have good knowledge on computers it shows error messages, and logs etc.,

Anyone with a basic understanding of computers can perform


Can be a lengthy process

Is typically quicker and easier


Consists of two types. i.e., hardware diagnosing and software diagnosing

Consists of four types and they are troubleshooting the IP problems, local connectivity issues, and the physical connectivity issues


Diagnosing is the process of identifying the cause of a problem, while troubleshooting is the process of finding a solution to a problem. Both processes are important in ensuring that computer problems are resolved effectively.

Updated on: 02-Mar-2023

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