Difference Between Data Visualization and Data Analytics

Data analytics is a process in which meaningful data is extracted from the raw data. Data visualization uses this meaningful data to provide more information which is easy for the stakeholders to understand. In this article, we will look into the difference between data analytics and data visualization.

Data Analytics

Data analytics is a process in which raw data is collected from various sources. This data is then cleaned, formatted, and modeled so that it can be used further easily. The main aim of data analytics is to extract usable insights which help a business to make different types of decisions.

Types of data Analytics

Different types of data analytics that are followed by businesses are discussed here.

  • Descriptive Analytics − This is a type of analytics which consists of questions like what is happening.
  • Diagnostic Analytics − This is a type of analytics in which reasons are considered that lead to an issue in sales, marketing, etc.
  • Predictive Analytics − This is a type of analytics that considers historical data and predictions are made for the future.
  • Prescriptive Analytics − This is a type of analytics in which data is divided into patterns which is helpful in making decisions.

Data Visualization

Data visualization is a process in which the available data is formatted in such a way that it can be visualized. This helps in the creation of a visual representation of the data. Complex and large datasets can be shown graphically which helps in better understanding.

Use Cases of Data Visualization

Data visualization uses the following use cases −

  • Correlating Data − Data can be correlated with the help of graphs which show the increase and decrease in sales over time. This is useful in the correlation of two different datasets like website performance and sales graphs.
  • Charting Performance − Data can be shown in the form of charts which can show whether a particular decision has impacted positively or negatively.
  • Visual Explorations − If the data is provided in a tabular form, it makes it easy to know about the anomalies or patterns that are unexpected. Visual exploration helps in providing as much data as possible. The data is presented in a graphical format which helps in finding unexpected things easily.
  • Advanced Multi-Faceted Visualizations − This is a type of visualization in which different types of variables are combined. This helps in making a story which consists of a lot of factors.

Techniques used in Data Visualization

There are many techniques used in data visualization and we will look at some of them.

  • Graphs and Charts − Graphs are considered as the most effective way of data visualization. Graphs are of many types like bar, line, pie, etc. which help in showing the numerical value for a particular time.
  • Heat Maps − Heat maps consist of colored gradients to let the viewers know about the magnitude of the data. These heat maps are also used for correlating data.
  • Histograms − A histogram is used to arrange data in a set of frequencies. Data can be easily distributed into a defined period.
  • Scatter Plots − A scatter plot is used to show the relationship between different variables with the help of dots.

Difference between Data Visualization and Data Analytics

Data visualization and data analytics are separate things. Data analytics is a process of collecting data while data visualization deals with presenting the data in a visual format. There are many differences between both of them which can be found in the table below.

Data Visualization Data Analytics
Data visualization produces the data in a graphical format which is easily understood by the viewers. Data analytics is a process of cleaning the raw data and extracting useful information with the help of a specialized software application.
Data visualization helps in the identification of the areas that are to be focused more for improvement. Different data models and patterns are identified so that data can be provided for visualization.
Data visualization helps in providing useful information to users Data analytics helps businesses to make decisions on the basis of the information extracted from the raw data.
The sectors in which the data visualization is used are finance, retailing, healthcare, banking, and many more. The sectors in which the data analytics is used are commercial, crime detection, travel agencies, and many more.
Graphs and charts are used to show the data. Analysts have to perform different types of analysis like prescriptive analytics, predictive analytics, diagnostic analytics, and descriptive analytics.


Data Analytics and data visualization are used to present data to make decisions. Data analytics is a process in which raw data is collected from various sources. It is then analyzed and clean data is provided for usage. Data visualization is a process in which the cleaned data availed from the data analytics is used to present it in a visualized form like a bar chart, pie chart, line chart, etc. The data presented in this way helps the businesses to make decisions.

FAQs on Data Visualization Vs. Data Analytics

1. How data visualization displays the data?

Data visualization displays the data in a graphical format. These graphs include bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, histograms, etc.

2. What kind of data is used in data visualization?

Raw data that is cleaned and organized through data analytics is used by data visualization.

3. In which fields data visualization is used?

Data visualization is used in healthcare, banking, finance, etc.

4. What tools are used to perform data analytics?

The tools used to perform data analytics are Hive, Excel, Polybase, SAP, etc.

5. What are the different types of data analytics?

The different types of data analytics are −

  • Descriptive analytics
  • Diagnostic analytics
  • Predictive analytics
  • Prescriptive analytics

Updated on: 11-Jul-2024


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