Difference between data type and data structure

Computer programming entirely revolves around data. It is data over which all the business logic gets implemented and it’s the flow of data which comprises the functionality of an application or project. Hence, it becomes critical to organize and store the data for its optimized use and perform effective programming with good data model.

From the surface, both data type and data structure appear to be the same thing, as both deal with the nature and organizing of data, but there is a big difference between the two. One describes the type and nature of data, while the other represents the collections in which that data can be stored.

In this article, we will highlight how a data type is different from a data structure. Let's start with a basic overview of the two before getting into the differences.

What is Data Type?

The Data Type is the concept that defines the nature of the data or value assigned to a variable in programming. The data type is basically a classification of data. In computer programming, the data type helps the compiler to select a proper machine representation of data.

The implementation of data type is referred to as "abstract implementation". This means, different programming languages provide the definition of a data type in different ways. The data type does not store any value, but it defines that which type of value can be stored in a variable. Some common data types include− int (integers), float (floating point), char (characters), etc.

What is Data Structure?

A Data Structure is the collection that holds data which can be manipulated and used in programming so that operations and algorithms can be more easily applied. Thus, a data structure is a group of data types. It is a collection of data on which certain types of operations can be executed.

The implementation of data structure is known as "concrete implementation". It is because, the definition of a data structure is already defined by the programming language. Data structures have the ability to hold different types of data within a single object. Some operations and algorithms like pop, push, etc. are used to assign values to a data structure.

Data structures suffer from the problem of time complexity. Some common examples of data structures include− Tree, Queue, Linked List, etc.

Difference between Data Type and Data Structure

The following table highlights the important differences between a Data Type and a Data Structure −

Key Data Type Data Structure
Definition A data type represents the nature and type of data. All the data that belong to a common data type share some common properties. For example an integer data type describes every integer that the computers can handle. CoA data structure is the collection that holds data which can be manipulated and used in programming so that operations and algorithms can be more easily applied. For example, tree type data structures often allow for efficient searching algorithms.ntent
Implementation Data types are implemented in an abstract manner. Their definitions are provided by different languages in different ways. Data structures are implemented in a concrete manner. Their definition includes what type of data they are going to store and deal with.
Storage Data types don't store the value of data; they represent only the type of data that is stored. Data structures hold the data along with their values. They occupy space in the main memory of the computer. Also, data structures can hold different types of data within one single object.
Assignment Data types represent the type of value that can be stored, so values can directly be assigned to the data type variables. In case of data structures, the data is assigned using some set of algorithms and operations like push, pop, etc.
Performance There is no issue of time complexity because data types deal only with the type and nature of data. Time complexity plays an important role in data structures because they deal with manipulation and execution of logic over data that it stored.


The most significant difference between a data type and a data structure is that a data type is the representation of nature and type of data, whereas a data structure is a collection that holds different types of data which can be manipulated and used in programming so that different programming logic and operations can be applied in an efficient manner.

Updated on: 20-Dec-2022

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