Difference between Customer Results and Product Sales

In today's cutthroat markets, client satisfaction is the single most important factor in a company's ability to grow and succeed. This is in addition to other factors, such as competitive pricing, product accessibility, and high quality. Satisfied clients are more likely to buy from you again and to tell their friends about your business.

Within the realm of business, the terms "customer results" and "product sales" are inextricably interwoven when discussing this issue. In contrast, there are differences between them.

What are Customer Results?

Customer results are those results that have been reported as a result of delivering products and services to the customer.

Excellent customer results may be achieved by businesses if they learn about their target customers' needs and then put in place processes to provide those needs within the quality, time, and cost constraints that have been negotiated with those consumers.

These things are quantifiable through −

  • Lag indicators are a type of performance evaluation that takes preceding performance into account. The happiness of the buyer is one such instance.

  • Surveys of consumers are an example of a lead indicator as they are a measurement of performance that can be used to anticipate future success.

Using these metrics, businesses may be better able to forecast, track, comprehend, and enhance their performance. On the other hand, future plans and, by extension, the results of a company might be negatively impacted by an insufficient collection of customer outcomes

Many companies make the mistake of assuming their customers all think and act in the same manner. They also make the error of confining the analysis of consumer outcomes to particular geographical functions within the organization while disregarding others. Another error that could be committed is gathering data simply on a subset of the available services and items while dismissing the less in-demand ones.

What are Product Sales?

Trading a product for monetary remuneration involves creating sales leads and converting those leads into paying customers. Since the advent of new technologies, there has been a proliferation of distribution methods. Brands may offer their wares in a wide variety of settings nowadays, including online, at trade shows, in stores, door-to-door, and by telemarketing.

Product sales are accountable for −

  • Follow-ups − Procedures must be put in place to guarantee that each lead receives suitable and timely attention from a sales representative in order for a company to have a productive sales process.

  • Relationship building − Salespeople should put a premium on making connections with potential consumers. This will help in building trust between buyers and sellers.

  • Closing transaction − Closing a transaction is the final step before a sale is done, and it is the most important. There are several possible formats for this kind of interaction, including face-to-face meetings, phone calls, and online forums.

  • Customer retention − Maintaining regular contact with your clientele is essential to the success of your business, and it also brings in new recommendations.

Differences − Customer Results and Product Sales

Both are used in the context of advertising and customer service. The following table highlights how Customer Results is different from Product Sales −

Characteristics Customer Results Product Sales


Customers' stated outcomes after receiving and using the delivered goods and services are what are meant by the phrase "customer results."

A sale is the exchange of a product for monetary compensation, and the selling process entails generating sales leads and converting those leads into paying clients.


Using both lagging and leading indicators enables analysis of consumer feedback to determine the effectiveness of a business's strategies.

The company's mission statement is a great indicator of the company's beliefs, ethos, aspirations, principles, and goals.


Product sales, including the generation of sales leads and the conversion of the leads into customers, are the exchange of a product for monetary compensation, while customer results are the declared outcomes of the supply and attainment of products and services to consumers.

Updated on: 16-Dec-2022


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