Difference between CSH and BASH

Linux is a popular operating system among computer enthusiasts. It is a free and open operating system. Shells are the screens that we utilize to control an operating system. Shells are CSH and BASH. Shells act as a channel for communication between programmers and the device. We issue orders and obtain results.

The C-shell was named after the C programming syntax. One of its many benefits is the ability to regulate jobs. It may be accessed via script shell command runner and interactive shell login. It might not be easy to use at times. Bash is a shell software similar to CSH.

The Bourne shell is said to be the most basic shell. Bash is back as Bourne Shell. Brian Fox wrote the music for Bash. He combined some of the flaws of existing shells and armed Bash with a one-of-a-kind shell software. It is widely acknowledged among computer geeks.

Read this article to find out more about CSH and BASH and how they are different from each other.

What is CSH?

CSH is an abbreviation for C Shell. Bill Joy designed the CSH Unix and Linux shells while a student at the University of California, Berkeley, in the early 1980s. CSH is a command line interpreter that allows users to run applications and instructions on a computer. CSH also includes a programming language for writing shell scripts. CSH is built on the Bourne shell, the initial Unix shell.

CSH was created to be more user-friendly than the Bourne shell and to include programming features not seen in other shells. Newer shells such as Bash and ZSH have surpassed CSH. It is still popular among developers who like its simplicity and strength.

The command's skeleton begins with the '%' prompt and ends with D, followed by the '%' prompt. The letter D indicates that the instruction has come to an end. An argument follows a command. One such crucial concept is the flag argument. It starts with '-.' If the command is specified, it also specifies the file size.

Special characters are often used. They depict shells in both semantic and syntactic terms. We may check for filenames that are separated by a '/.' Each part reveals its position in the directory. We can use the quote mark '*.' The command can be terminated. Variables are unique to each shell.

What is BASH?

BASH is a Linux and Unix shell which is developed by Brian Fox in the year 1980. It comes as the default in most distributions of Linux and Unix, and developers and administrators mostly depend on it.

BASH stands for Bourne-Again Shell and is an expansion of Stephen Bourne's initial Unix shell, the Bourne shell. BASH has numerous features that the Bourne shell does not, such as command line editing, history replacement, and Profiles. Variables, arrays, and functions are also supported by BASH. BASH scripts are executable files that may be used to do tasks automatically. BASH is useful for creating sophisticated programs or just automating repetitive activities.

Bash is an organized expansion of the Bourne shell. It is the most common shell. There are a few default commands, such as typing the date in the terminal to receive the information. You will obtain the information as output if you type "cal" for "calendar".

"pwd" is an abbreviation for print working directory. When you use this command, you will obtain information about the current directory you are working in. 'ls' displays information about the files, emails, and folders you are presently dealing with (list storage is 'ls'). It gives you access to the data in your home directory.

Differences between CSH and BASH

The following table highlights the major differences between CSH and BASH −





C-Shell commands begin with a '#'.

Bourne Again Shell starts with ';'.


CSH stands for the interactive terminal.

Bash is regarded as non- interactive.


Bill Joy proposed CSH.

Brian Fox recreated the concept of Bash.


CSH was first used in the 1970s.

Bash was established 1989.


The difficulty level is intermediate CSH

The difficulty level beginner in BASH.


CSH and BASH are the most widely used Unix and Linux shells. Both have distinct features and syntax, which might perplex users unfamiliar with shell programming. CSH is a C-style shell. Hence its syntax is based on the C programming language. CSH also supports variables, flow control, and job control.

BASH is a shell that is compatible with Bourne-shell. Its syntax is based on the Bourne shell, but it has been upgraded to include features such as command line editing, extended globing, and improved signal handling. CSH is more suited for interactive use, but BASH is better suited for shell scripts.

Updated on: 02-Mar-2023

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